I collected your Political Cartoon Analysis Assignments at the beginning of class. Most of you handed it in on time, and were rewarded with a homework check stamp. If you didn't hand it in today, please make sure that you hand it in ASAP. You lose 10% each day that an assignment is late.
I had some handouts for you today, one on "Dictatorship and the Individual" (I told you to put a star on this page, because I think that it will be really useful). I also gave you a comparison sheet on Mussolini and Hitler. Lastly, I gave you an assignment that is due tomorrow called "Dictatorships: Rule by Elites" that many of you were able to finish during the class time provided.
I collected your Chapter 17 definitions and questions at the end of class today. I also delivered a presentation on the Canadian Identity. This is the third presentation, and the last one the Canadian Identity that you will be receiving from me. I will send out this lecture today, so please let me know if you don't receive it. Please print it off for homework check credit tomorrow. We also watched a bit of Rick Mercer's "Talking to Americans", which we will finish tomorrow.
Your Identity Unit Final is next Monday, March 19th. Here is the study guide:
1. Identity:Personal and National (1st ppt)
2. Forces that Shape a Nation's Identity (1st ppt)
3. Canadian Identity and Culture
4. Features of Canadian Identity
5. Canada's Evolving Identity (History)
6. French-English Relations (review French-English Relations ppt)
7. Bilingualism (language policy, see 2nd ppt)
- Bi and Bi Commission (Lester B. Pearson)
- Why was the Bi and Bi Commission formed?
- Findings of the commission and recommendations
- Official Languages Act 1969
8. Multiculturalism (2nd ppt)
- cultural pluralism
- equality, mutual respect
- adoption of multiculturalism as official government policy (Trudeau)
- Multiculturalism Act (Mulroney)
- arguments for and against multiculturalism
9. Canadian-American Relations (focus on Chapter 17)
- cultural protectionism
- relationship between Canada and the United States
- Free Trade Agreement (FTA) between Canada and the U.S.
10. Canada's Worldwide Reputation
- involvement in the United Nations/peacekeeping activities