Friday, June 16, 2006

June 16

Social 20 students, your marks will be posted outside my classroom on Monday morning. You did really well as a class on the Final Exam. The class average was 79%. Excellent work! Have a great weekend!

Social 10 students, your marks have already been posted outside my classroom. Please check your results the next time you're at school writing a final. The class averages were very high, once again for Social 10-1 the average was 78% and the average for Social 10-2 was 81%. Have a great weekend!

It's been a pleasure teaching all of you.

For my Social 20 students, it's unlikely that you will have me again as a teacher, as I only have one Social 33 class next year. I wish you all the best next year, writing all those intense Diploma exams. If you ever want to chat about Social Studies, or just life in general, just pop in for a visit.

For my Social 10 students, there is a higher percentage chance that I will teach you again, as I have two sections of Social 20 next year in the first semester and then the following school year (2007-08) who perhaps our paths will cross again. Once again, Social 10-1 and 10-2 were two outstanding groups, and if you ever want to pop in for a visit next year, by all means you're always welcome.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

June 15: Social 10

Please post any new questions or comments here.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

June 14: Social 20

Please post any questions about the Social 20 Final here.

June 14: Social 10

Please post any questions that you have about the Social 10 Final here.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

June 13

On our final class together I let you ask any questions that you might have had during the course. If any other questions occur to you, please post them in the comment section. I have posted the answer key to the Social 10 Practice Final #1 in the comments section for today's post.

You finished writing your Social 20 Practice Final today in class. We then went over questions that may have caused you some problems.

Monday, June 12, 2006

Social 10: Extra June 12 Post

Click on any of the hyperlinks below, and then prepare to be amazed!

June 12

I've sent you a lot of materials tonight via e-mail. I sent you a practice final. I would like you to take this final very seriously, use actual testing conditions, in other words don't write the test as if it were an open book test. I will post the answer key to this practice exam on the blog tomorrow. Please do not post answers or ask for help on this practice exam here on the blog. You can ask questions about the practice exam tomorrow. I have also sent you the Social 10 Key Concept Review List, please print it off, that's going to be helpful in your review. Keep studying!

You wrote your Social 20 Practice Final Exam today in class. Please bring study materials with you tomorrow to class. You'll also get some more time to finish off the test. We'll go over the answers to the test tomorrow in class, and then we'll analyze ones that you had problems with. Keep studying!

Friday, June 09, 2006

June 9

We finished watching "Talking to Americans" today in class. I also gave you a "Talking to Canadians" type quiz, the answers to which are posted in the comments section.

Here are the students that I have heard from regarding the Find the Fib game:

  • Jordan
  • Baba
  • Manpreet
  • Vivian T.
  • Corliss
  • Vikram
  • Devin
  • Peter
  • KJ

I would still like to play this game, so I need to hear from 3 more groups between Social 10-1 and Social 10-2. If you see that I haven't heard from someone in your group, please encourage them to submit their Find the Fib work!

You wrote your Topic B Unit Final today in class.

Thursday, June 08, 2006

June 8

I went through the entire course, and stressed the things that you should be studying in your preparations for your final exam.

You worked in small groups today, doing some review and putting together "Find the Fib" sets of statements. Study tonight!

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

June 7

Your homework tonight is to send me 7 multiple choice questions and 5 Jeopardy style questions by e-mail. Please put the questions into the body of the e-mail, don't send it as an attachment.

You wrote your Rights and Responsibilities Unit Final today. Please remember to get all of your notes organized and bring them with you to class tomorrow!

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

June 6

We played a short round of Jeopardy today in class. As well I gave you some time to study in a small group situation for tomorrow's Rights and Responsibilities Unit Final. Study tonight!

We watched another section of the documentary "The Corporation". Please remember that you have your Topic B Unit Final on Friday. Please review/study for this unit final.

Monday, June 05, 2006

June 5

If you were in class you know what happened and what we covered. With both Social 10 classes and my Social 20 class I walked you through your Final Exam Blueprints.

Reminder to Social 10 students that you have your Rights and Responsibilities Unit Final on Wednesday. Social 20 students have your Topic B Unit Final on Friday.

Sunday, June 04, 2006

June 4

I have sent you the Final Exam "Blueprint". I'm still looking for the list of key concepts and key terms for Social 10. Please check your e-mail.

I have sent you the Final Exam "Blueprint" and a list of key concepts and key terms. Please check your e-mail.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

June 1

I really want you to finish off Part 3 of the Topic B outline this weekend. Next Friday, I'm going to give you a Topic B Unit Final. It'll consist of 50 multiple choice questions. I'll give you a study guide for it on Monday in class. You have about two weeks to study for your Social 20 Final Exam. I will be sending out the blueprint and other goodies this weekend, so please check your e-mail on Sunday.

Please study for your Rights and Responsibilities Unit Final this weekend. You have about two weeks to prepare for your Social 10 Final Exam. I will be sending out the blueprint this weekend, so please check your e-mail by Sunday.