Social 20
Social 20 students, your marks will be posted outside my classroom on Monday morning. You did really well as a class on the Final Exam. The class average was 79%. Excellent work! Have a great weekend!
Social 10
Social 10 students, your marks have already been posted outside my classroom. Please check your results the next time you're at school writing a final. The class averages were very high, once again for Social 10-1 the average was 78% and the average for Social 10-2 was 81%. Have a great weekend!
It's been a pleasure teaching all of you.
For my Social 20 students, it's unlikely that you will have me again as a teacher, as I only have one Social 33 class next year. I wish you all the best next year, writing all those intense Diploma exams. If you ever want to chat about Social Studies, or just life in general, just pop in for a visit.
For my Social 10 students, there is a higher percentage chance that I will teach you again, as I have two sections of Social 20 next year in the first semester and then the following school year (2007-08) who perhaps our paths will cross again. Once again, Social 10-1 and 10-2 were two outstanding groups, and if you ever want to pop in for a visit next year, by all means you're always welcome.