Tuesday, November 27, 2007

November 27

I went through a presentation today on "The Impacts of Globalization on Environments", which I will send to you today, it's a pretty short one. For the remainder of the period, you had time (about 60 minutes) to work on your homework in this class, namely, Chapter 13 Key Terms and Questions. Many of you have also completed your Chapter 14 Key Terms as well. Please have Chapter 14 read for tomorrow's class. Hopefully, you finished off your homework in class today, so you can continue working on your TNC Dossier Assignment tonight, since it's due on Friday.

I handed back your in-class essays at the start of the class, and in the process gave you a new seating plan. I delivered a presentation on "The Nature of Poverty and Hunger", which I will send to you today. We also started watching the film "Supersize Me", as part of a writing assignment that you will be completing based on the North American perception of food. I'll send you an e-mail on the "Hungry Planet" photos that I talked about at the beginning of class.


Anonymous said...

Mr.G I have two questions. The first is how far in history do you want us to go up to for the early development and expansion? Do you want us to go up to present day? The second question is for a map I can only find ones that are of the town Chiquita but not it's markets or factory opperations, what should I do?

Anonymous said...

when you say to examine early development, you say to include mergers, acquisitions and spin offs. should we also include the corporations own events that are not always concerning mergers, acquisitions or spin offs?
for example: starbucks opens it first coffee house and introduces a christmas blend.
or should we save that for the timeline?

Kevin Gilchrist said...

Mr.G I have two questions. The first is how far in history do you want us to go up to for the early development and expansion? Do you want us to go up to present day? The second question is for a map I can only find ones that are of the town Chiquita but not it's markets or factory opperations, what should I do?

For Chiquita, you have to actually start with the founding of the company (it was the United Fruit Company, but I'm sure that you knew that), and other key events in its expansion (you can also get into some interesting international events in places like Guatemala too). Take it up to present day. The last time I was on Chiquita's corporate website, they did have a world map there that had some its overseas operations, which could be useful. Or you could make a map, you can download a map from WikiCommons and if you have a program like Fireworks you can modify the map (or go low-tech and color it by hand).

Kevin Gilchrist said...

when you say to examine early development, you say to include mergers, acquisitions and spin offs. should we also include the corporations own events that are not always concerning mergers, acquisitions or spin offs?
for example: starbucks opens it first coffee house and introduces a christmas blend.
or should we save that for the timeline?

You can save some of the things that you mentioned in the timeline.