Social 10
I gave you back your responses to the Social 10 Final Exam Part A today, as well as your TNC Dossier Assignment. Please do some review over the Winter Break, when you come back I will not have time to re-teach the entire course. You will be getting a lot of multiple choice questions to review the various units in the course. Please have a restful holidays, be safe, and I'll see you all in the New Year! Merry Christmas!
Social 20
You did some extremely intensive review for your Social 20 Final Exam. Hopefully you didn't hurt your brains from the intense studying that took place in class. When you come back from break, you will be doing a lot of practice final exams, so do some review over the break and you'll get more out of it. Please have a safe and restful holidays, I'll see you next year. Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas Mr. G!
Hey. So for the Social 20 Final Exam, the key terms sheet says that there isn't anything about the reign of terror? is that true or just a mistake?
Hey. So for the Social 20 Final Exam, the key terms sheet says that there isn't anything about the reign of terror? is that true or just a mistake?
There is "key events of the French Revolution" though.
hey Mr.G,
the key terms sheet only mentions Voltaire and Rousseau, so we don't need to read up on the other thinkers right?
(social 20)
hey Mr.G,
the key terms sheet only mentions Voltaire and Rousseau, so we don't need to read up on the other thinkers right?
(social 20)
That's right, just study up on them, particularly about their key ideas, thoughts and beliefs. Go back and look at that chart that I had you do.
My name is Nathalie Reid, and I am also a Socal 10-1 teacher. I wanted to tell you how impressed I am with your blog. It's amazing!
I also have an exam question for you that I'd prefer to discuss over email.
Could you please email me at:
Thank you,
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