Thursday, March 15, 2012

March 15

Most of today's class was spent discussing the sources that you were to do an OPVL document analysis of for the class. Here's a link to the episode on revising the U.S. Constitution from Fareed Zakaria's GPS show. Please remember that you have your American Revolution Test tomorrow, which will cover the events leading to the American Revolution, the American Revolution, the Revolutionary War, among other topics that we have covered up to this point. On Monday, you will be writing a Paper 1.
Most of today's class was spent watching the documentary "Dear America: Letters Home From Vietnam" which features dramatic readings of actual letters written by young men and women that served in the Vietnam War. These letters have historical value because they were private letters not intended for publication so many of the writers shared their intimate thoughts, feelings and perspectives on their experiences during the war.


Anonymous said...

Is the PowerPoint on the Revolutionary War on the wiki?

Kevin Gilchrist said...

I put it up in Unit 4 on the wiki. I think it's the one you're talking about.