Thursday, November 01, 2012

November 1

Most of today's class was spent preparing for tomorrow's Haitian Revolution debate. You also wrote a current events quiz.
I continued lecturing from the "Foundations of Economic Globalization" PowerPoint presentation today. I will send this presentation to your e-mail accounts this afternoon.
We started Prescribed Subject 1: Peacemaking, Peacekeeping, International Relations 1918-1936 today. I began a lecture on this topic, the lead in to understanding the Paris Peace Conference. We'll continue this topic on Monday. Tomorrow, you will have a Paper 2 on the First World War. On Monday, you'll have a matching quiz on WWI. Make sure that you complete the chart activity that I assigned yesterday from your 20th Century History IB Companion Textbook on the causes of WWI. This will help you with historiography for the outbreak of WWI.

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