Thursday, February 04, 2016

February 4

We finished up the activity from yesterday, so you should now have jot notes on the results of World War II. One of those results was the origin of the nuclear age, which begins during WWII, and obviously the work to build the atomic bomb leads to its usage to end the war in the Pacific. We started an HBO documentary today called "White Light/Black Rain", which we will finish off tomorrow.

I gave you back the results of the Social 30-1 diagnostic test today. I gave you the course workbooks today as well, and started teaching the course content by looking at the ideas of Hobbes, Locke and Rousseau. As I lectured from the PowerPoint presentation "Introducing Government", you were to take notes in your workbooks. Please remind me tomorrow to get you signed on to the Social 30-1 wiki. Once you're on the wiki, you can find all of the PowerPoint presentations that I'll be delivering in class.

We played a fun game of global bingo today, where you were asked to circulate around the room and meet 16 new people and get information from them. Eventually you will use this information and put it on a world map. You have a homework assignment tonight that is due tomorrow: you must find 25 items from 25 different countries. these items could be put into different categories, such as: food, clothing, electronics, household items, vehicles, musical instruments, entertainment, beauty products/make up, etc. The smart way to put together your chart would be to classify your items into categories in your chart right from the start. Once again, you will eventually have to put all of this information into a map. I will be doing a homework check on this chart tomorrow. I also gave you time to work on your Chapter 1 Key Terms and Questions, which are due on Tuesday, February 9th.

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