Wednesday, October 19, 2005

October 19

Sorry for the late posting tonight...

Today we started talking about elements of position papers. I gave out copies of the Social Studies department marking guide for position papers for Grade 10 students. We did some exercises to help you figure out the differences between position, arguments, and examples. I gave you a homework assignment. You are to complete the position paper outline that I sent to you by e-mail this afternoon. This outline is due tomorrow.

I delivered a presentation today on responses to the Industrial Revolution. This covered the utopian socialists like Robert Owen and "scientific socialists" like Karl Marx. I will send this presentation to you via e-mail very soon. I gave you the remainder of the class time to work on your Industrial Revolution research project.


Anonymous said...

for the social 10 position paper do we have to write actual, full length introductions and conclusions, or just simply state our thesis?

Anonymous said...

are we allowed to just put one word as our argument titles in the essay outline?

Anonymous said...

on the outline..r we aloud to use "you" and "I"?

Kevin Gilchrist said...

I'm not sure if these comments were from last night or today. Hopefully, everything was cleared up today (Thursday's)in class. You can write in sentences, you can use "I", just make sure that you cover everything that you need to cover using the marking guide to help you out.

Anonymous said...

can we use "you"?

Kevin Gilchrist said...

I suppose so.