Social 10
I showed you a PowerPoint presentation for a large portion of today's class on the history of French-English relations in Canada. I will be sending this presentation to you today after school, so please check your e-mail. Also, we had a brief discussion on the equalization payment program.
Social 20
I returned your Chapter 2 questions at the beginning of class today, and then I collected your Chapter 3 questions, which were due today. We continued watching "The French Revolution: Years of Hope".
To all my Social 10 and Social 20 students: please enjoy your extra long weekend!!
for the social 10-1 project, what did you have to include in the brochure?
Please e-mail me directly, and then I'll send the assignment sheet to you.
For the Social 10-2 brochure, what is supposed to be on the website?
is the table we are supposd to include in the brochur to be HAVE to have it??
The website should be a companion site to the brochure. It should cover the some of the same material, but in greater detail. It should consist of at least 4 web pages: an index, a page on demographics, a page on physical characteristics, and a page on economic characteristics of your region. You might want to check out Alberta's Tourism site for some ideas too. Last semester, some people came up with a page that was thumbnail pictures of the region, and then if you clicked on a thumbnail it opened up a slideshow of the pictures from that region. So you can add lots of "bells and whistles" to the website, that you may not have the space to do with the brochure.
YES!! You must have some type of chart or table in your brochure! It is a requirement.
ok so do you want one for each characteristic...physical, demo., and economic? or can we just make it for one characteristic??
You'd probably want to make a table for one of the characteristics, the best two would be for either demographic or economic characteristics, keeping in mind you want to use statistics (hence the table, graph or chart) to entice people to either visit or move to your region.
what kind of good stats would work for the far north? Because i know employment or health isn't the best there, so what else would be inviting statistics to see?
How about average salaries? Or something related to job opportunities? Isolation pay?
Oh ok, thanks!
Mr. Gilchrist, I emailed you on friday, but I dont think you have looked at it yet, since you didn't reply it back.
so can you please check it? thank you~~
when is the brochure due?
Next Monday!!
so it's not due tomorrow?!
question: can me and my partner use the headings Physical charac., Economic Charac. Climatic Chara. and Demographic chara.?
ps. this is for 10-1
Those headings are fine. It's due on the 27th.
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