Tuesday, October 02, 2007

October 2

Today we spent most of the period looking at how to write a position paper. The first exercise was designed to show you how to brainstorm ideas for position papers. I had you brainstorm reasons that would help you convince another high school student to attend Churchill. Then we took those ideas and categorized them into larger categories called arguments. We then looked specifically at academic reasons why Churchill might be a good school to attend. I gave you a couple of handouts today as well, one of them was called "The Recipe for Success: How to Write Effective Position Papers", and the other was the marking guide for Social 10 position papers. I have sent you your essay topic for next week's position paper.
  • Chapter 3-4 Quiz is on Wednesday, October 3rd
  • In-Class Position Paper #1 is on Wednesday, October 10th

I collected your Chapter 5 Questions at the beginning of class. For the first part of the class we played the first round of a Jeopardy review game that you helped to create. I will be sending you the entire presentation/game to you later tonight. I then went over the answers to the Chapter 8 Key Terms worksheet. I then went over writing position papers for the remainder of class. I gave you a handout called "Recipe for Success: How to Write Position Papers". If you missed today's class, you will need to get this handout from the Social 20 folder at the side of the room.
  • Nationalism Test (covers Chapters 2-5) is on Thursday, October 4th
  • In-Class Position Paper #1 is on Tuesday, October 9th (I have sent you the essay sheet already)


Anonymous said...

what were the case studies we needed to know for the ch. 3-4 test tomorrow???

(social 10 student)

Kevin Gilchrist said...

what were the case studies we needed to know for the ch. 3-4 test tomorrow???

(social 10 student)
You can always use case studies from previous chapters like the Hmong, the Metis, the Maori, and Francophones. Here are some of my thoughts as I just flipped through the textbook: in your textbook, it also uses some different examples when it refers to universalization of popular culture and media transnationals (AOL/Time Warner, Walt Disney, GE, I gave you some notes on media transnationals that would be useful here), the CBC/SRC, APTN, Official Bilingualism (know specifics/roots of bilingualism: BNA Act, Official Languages Act), the CRTC, and CAVCO, CanCon, UNESCO endangered languages. Know examples of homogenization (your textbook talks about "cultural imperialism" on p.73)and role of advertising (see Figure 4-4), know examples of assimilation and the Francophone experience. Examples of marginalization (I used the Australian Aborigines and the Lubicon Cree), examples of accomodation and integration.

Anonymous said...

Do we have any hwk due tomorow? (social 10-3)

Kevin Gilchrist said...

Do we have any hwk due tomorow? (social 10-3)

Chapter 5 questions are due tomorrow (Thursday).