Thursday, September 07, 2017

September 7

I broke you up into small groups today to look at various perspectives on globalization. The point of the activity was to learn how to identify perspective in a quote, and determine whether it was a positive, negative or neutral perspective. Please don't forget to sign on to the wiki. Also, don't forget that your friendly letter assignment is due tomorrowPlease make sure that you organize your writing in a friendly letter format, covering the following topics: 

  • family
  • interests
  • academic background (i.e. what junior high school did you go to?)
  • academic goals (what are your goals for Social Studies/ academic goals for this semester/year, future goals/aspirations)
  • what other classes are you taking this semester?
  • hobbies
  • sports,
  • favorite movies
  • favorite TV shows
  • favorite music
  • favorite books
These are just suggestions to get you started, if you can think of other topics to cover, please do so. You will hand in this assignment on Friday, September 8th at the beginning of class. It can be typed if you choose, or hand written. It doesn't matter to me if it's double-spaced or not. You MUST hand in a hard copy!

I started a lecture today on the Causes of World War I, this is a Paper 2, WH Topic 11: Causes and Effects of 20th Century Wars. I shared the Google Slides with you, so make sure that you add it to your Paper 2 folder in your Google Drive. I'm also going to be sharing some Google Slides from WH Topic 10: Authoritarian States that we covered last year in Grade 11 IB History. Please make sure that you share your Mao, Castro, Peron, and Nasser Google Slides with me so I can share them with the rest of the class.

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