Friday, March 15, 2019

March 15

We finished off the "Making Peace" activity from your course books, and we went over the answers. I gave you some time to read over the next couple of pages in your course books on the Paris Peace Conference and the Treaty of Versailles. I then showed you a video from the BBC 20th Century History series called "Make Germany Pay" which reviewed the Paris Peace Conference, the key players at the conference, what their national interests were, and German reparations after the war. Next week, we'll be looking at the rise of Adolf Hitler and the Nazis in Germany, and the reaction of other European states and the League of Nations to increasing German aggression and violation of the terms of the Treaty of Versailles. It would probably be wise to read over pages 127-134 in your course books to get a preview of the Interwar Years.

You wrote the Ideological Reaction to Industrialization Test today. I will be posting the results on PowerSchool after school today. I'm going to be talking to some of you next week about switching from Social 30-1 to 30-2 because it's a necessary conversation that we need to have before Spring Break because we'll be expected to submit paperwork to switch you over to 30-2 closer to the term switch over.

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