Monday, October 02, 2017

October 2

The rough draft of your IA was due today. I will be checking to see if you all did in fact submit it today. I went through a reading booklet on monetary and fiscal policy today, and started another video from the BBC 20th Century History series. Today's video was called "FDR and the New Deal", and we'll finish it off tomorrow.

I taught you the difference between argumentation and evidence when writing a WRA II essay. This still of essay is called a position paper or an argumentative essay. To help you understand the difference between argumentation and evidence, I had you brainstorm individually on the following topic: How would you convince a friend to come to Churchill? What arguments would you use to persuade them? In your brainstorm lists you really weren't writing arguments, despite the prompts, but rather some ideas that we could build into an argument.

 Please don't forget these key events this week:

  • Chapter 3-4 Test is tomorrow (please see the study guide below)
  • Unit 1 WRA I is on Wednesday, October 4th (this is a three source analysis assignment that is written in class)

This test will be written on Tuesday, October 3rd. It is a matching test with a long answer section. 
  • Know the key terms from Chapter 3-4
  • Be able to answer the Questions for Inquiry in Chapters 3-4 (they appear on p.49, p.53, p.58, p.73, p.80)
  • Know relevant case studies from Chapters 3-4: the Francophones, the Aborigines and the Lubicon, as well as other relevant examples related to assimilation, marginalization, accommodation and integration

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