Social 20-1
I went through a lecture on "Regional Disparity in Canada" today. You can find a digital version of this PowerPoint and Google Slides version of this lecture. Your Chapter 14-15 Key Terms and Questions are due tomorrow. Your Unit 3 Final Exam is on Tuesday, June 6th, please see the study guide below.
Social 20-1 Unit 3 Final Exam Study Guide:
Please review all of the Unit 3 PowerPoint presentations (you can find them on the Social 20-1 wiki):
- "Nations, Nation-States and Internationalism"
- "Canada's Foreign Policy"
- "Nationalism and Internationalism"
- know the difference between multilateralism, unilateralism and bilateralism and know examples of each
- know the spectrum of foreign policy: internationalism, nationalism, ultranationalism, and supranationalism
- know the different foreign policy options
- know the 6 themes of Canadian foreign policy/Canada's foreign policy goals
- what influences foreign policy decisions?
- methods of foreign policy
- motivations for nations involvement or non-involvement in international affairs
- how can foreign policy promote internationalism?
- tied aid, bilateral aid, multilateral aid
- examples of INGOs and IGOs
- the United Nations (organization/structure, bodies, etc.)
- peacemaking vs. peacekeeping (and examples)
- different understandings of internationalism (types of internationalism)
- why do international organizations exist? purposes and examples
Social 10-1
We had our in class debate today on the following topic: "BIRT globalization helps spread democracy and improve human rights in the world". Your Chapter 18-19 Key Terms and Questions are due tomorrow.