Monday, April 16, 2012

April 16

We watched Episode 6 of Eyes on the Prize "Bridge to Freedom" which focuses on the march from Selma to Montgomery, Alabama. The first attempt at marching from Selma ended soon after crossing the Edmund Pettis Bridge and ended in violence. The confrontation between Alabama state troopers and marchers was broadcast on network TV. There was a second march, this time led by Martin Luther King. This time the march ended with the marchers asking to pray. There was a federal order not to continue the march. The marchers don't violate the federal order. You start to see a split between the leadership of the SCLC and SNCC in this episode. Please remember that you have a quiz on the Civil Rights Movement on Thursday and a Paper 3 on the same topic on Friday.
Most of today's class was spent conducting our debate on the Haitian Revolution. I will be asking for you to hand in your booklets on the Haiti Revolution in tomorrow's class.

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