Tuesday, June 05, 2012

June 5

We wrote a couple of weekly quizzes at the beginning of class, and then we did some small group brainstorming around a sample WRA I assignment. The WRA I had an economics theme to it, and had different perspectives on the degree to which government should be involved in the economy. The first source (the Reagan quote) lent itself to breaking the quote into three different parts and then you launch into a neo-conservative critique of Keynesian economics. The second source was maybe open to more interpretation, but it seemed that the cartoonist was advocating for government intervention in the economy to "prime the pump". Make sure that you always use STICS for cartoon interpretation. The third source was from a modern liberal perspective on trickle down economics, so it was critical of supply side economics and its approach and would advocate for an interventionist approach. Clearly, Source 1 and Source 2 did not share perspectives on the degree to which government should intervene in the economy whereas you could make the argument that Source 2 and 3 shared a common perspective. Tomorrow we'll look at WRA II preparation. Please remember that you are writing a Trial Diploma Exam on Thursday. I've posted a Social 30-1 Diploma Exam Study Guide on the wiki under Diploma Exam Review, I strongly recommend that you use it for review purposes.
We watched a video from the United States History series entitled "Expansionism", which you should have taken notes from. I also started a PowerPoint lecture on American Expansionism, which I will finish tomorrow in all likelihood. We should finish this topic up tomorrow so we can proceed to do some TOK before the end of the semester.

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