Tuesday, May 07, 2013

May 7

A big thank you to those of you who came out to today's optional class. We reviewed some key topics for Paper 3 today. There was one question that I asked you to take home and write a practice outline for: Here are some brief ideas on tackling this particular question:
  • This question demands an analysis of the military methods, manpower, strategies, equipment, the use and analysis and exploitation of military intelligence, food supplies for the troops of the two selected countries. I would think that you would select Canada and the United States for this question.  
Please remember that you are writing Paper 1 and Paper 2 tomorrow. Make sure that you review key topics in Prescribed Subject 1: Peacekeeping, Peacemaking and International Relations 1918-1936. For this topic, there is an entire section on the wiki as well as the duotang to help you review for this topic. Paper 2 covers the following three topics: Topic 1: Causes, Practices and Effects of War, Topic 3: Authoritarian and Single Party States, and Topic 5: The Cold War.

You wrote your Unit 2 WRA II Essay today and it took the entire period. If you didn't hand in your Chapter 8 Key Terms and Questions then you can do it tomorrow.

You wrote your Unit 2 WRA II Essay today and it took the entire period.

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