Tuesday, April 19, 2016

April 19

We continued our presentations on American Presidents today with Richard Nixon. To the groups that have presented already: please post your videos and Google Slides on the IB 30/35 wiki on the American Presidents page in the appropriate row on the chart. You will be writing your Paper 3 on the Civil Rights Movement tomorrow. You'll get 5 minutes to pick your question and do a quick outline for it, and 50 minutes to write. When you write your actual Paper 3 exam next month, you will have to write three essays in 150 minutes.

I went through "The End of the Cold War" notes in the Social 30-1 workbook today. Then we back-tracked and started a film study of "Good Night, and Good Luck". You are responsible for answering the study questions from the film study. I also did a homework check on your Vietnam War Assignment today. One week from today, you'll be writing your Chapter 7 Test on the Cold War, please see the study guide below.

It is a multiple choice test with 70-75 multiple choice questions (although about 11-13 questions will be dropped). Please make sure that you have read Chapter 7. Here are some other study tips:
  • study "The Origins of the Cold War (ppt)"
  • study all notes on the Origins and Causes of the Cold War
  • study notes on the Korean War
  • study notes on the Cuban Missile Crisis
  • study notes on the Vietnam War (see notes package and Vietnam War booklet, and the notes that I sent to you on the Vietnam War)
  • make sure that you know all the Cold War Concepts
  • know the chronology of events of the Cold War (study the Cold War timeline and the Vietnam War timeline, and the end of the Cold War timeline that I will be giving you in subsequent class)
  • know key events that we've emphasized in class (for example: Berlin Airlift, Korean War, Cuban Missile Crisis, Vietnam War) plus other key events from the timeline
  • know major arms reduction agreements (bilateral agreements and multilateral agreements), please study the notes that I will give you next week on this topic.
  • know about the formation of alliances (NATO, Warsaw Pact) and the formation of "spheres of influence"
  • anything that I gave you as a handout is testable material and should be reviewed!!
  • know how the Cold War ends and its results/consequences

We started Chapter 11 material. I started "The Expansion of Economic Globalization" presentation, which I will continue tomorrow. I gave you time to work on your Chapter 11 Key Terms, which are due tomorrow.

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