Wednesday, June 05, 2019

June 5

Social 30-1 students were split into small groups and selected a Diploma Exam Part A booklet, set up a Google Doc and proceeded to make a detailed essay outline for their selected WRA II position paper. Social 30-2 students worked on Assignment I today (they'll work on Assignment II tomorrow, and Assignment III on Friday). If you have a laptop at home, please bring it tomorrow, it will be better than using the laptops in the school laptop cart. Check out samples of student writing by searching for "Alberta Social Studies 30-1 (or 30-2) January [insert year; between 2010-2019]". Check out what you need to do to get an EXCELLENT. Keep studying for the Trial Final (June 10th).

You wrote your Final Exam Part A today in the Blenheim Room. Everyone was present, so thank you for that! It would have been extremely difficult scheduling lab time tomorrow because the Social 10-1 students are writing Part A of their Final Exam tomorrow. Please remember that you're writing the Unit 3 Final Exam tomorrow.

Please review all of the Unit 3 PowerPoint presentations (you can find them on the Social 20-1 wiki):
  • "Nations, Nation-States and Internationalism"
  • "Canada's Foreign Policy"
  • "Nationalism and Internationalism"
Please review all of the Unit 3 Key Terms from the Unit 3 Worksheet in addition to the key concepts that were introduced in the PowerPoint presentations. In addition to this, I would like to emphasize the following points with you:
  • know the difference between multilateralism, unilateralism and bilateralism and know examples of each
  • know the spectrum of foreign policy: internationalism, nationalism, ultranationalism, and supranationalism
  • know the different foreign policy options
  • know the 6 themes of Canadian foreign policy/Canada's foreign policy goals
  • what influences foreign policy decisions?
  • methods of foreign policy
  • motivations for nations involvement or non-involvement in international affairs
  • how can foreign policy promote internationalism?
  • tied aid, bilateral aid, multilateral aid
  • examples of INGOs and IGOs
  • the United Nations (organization/structure, bodies, etc.)
  • peacemaking vs. peacekeeping (and examples)
  • different understandings of internationalism (types of internationalism)
  • why do international organizations exist? purposes and examples

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