Thursday, January 31, 2008

January 31

I went over some classroom rules and expectations in class today. I gave out a few handouts about the course itself, including an outline, and an organizational web for Topic A. I went over the format of the Diploma exam: it is a two-part diploma exam, with Part A consisting of four writing assignments worth 40 marks in total, and Part B which has 60 multiple choice questions on it. If you have questions in class, please ask, but you can also ask questions here on the blog, or send me a question by e-mail. You do have a homework assignment tonight: please write a letter of introduction to me. Please make sure that you organize your writing in a friendly letter format, covering the following topics: family, interests, hobbies, sports, favorite movies, favorite TV shows, and favorite music. These are just suggestions to get you started, if you can think of other topics to cover, please do so. You will hand in this assignment tomorrow at the begining of class. It can be typed if you choose, or hand written. It doesn't matter to me if it's double-spaced or not.

I gave you a seating plan almost right away, this will help me to learn your names quickly. As soon as I know your names I'll let you change spots. I talked briefly about the course (I gave you a course outline), and I also talked about my classroom rules and expectations (I posted these rules on the blog yesterday, so have a look). You had an in-class writing assignment which was a friendly letter. You should have covered the following topics: what junior high school you went to, a little bit about your family, your hobbies, sports you like to play (or watch), favorite movies, favorite TV shows, favorite music. Don't worry, I don't mark these letters, I simply want to get to know you better, and see how well you can write.

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