Hi everyone. I will be posting information about homework, assignments, projects, and upcoming quizzes and tests on this blog. Please check the site on a regular basis to keep up to date. To my current students, if you have any questions, please feel free to send me an e-mail or post a comment. If there are any teachers that have any requests or questions, or if you want an invitation to the Alberta Social Studies Ning, please find my contact information under "View My Complete Profile".
Friday, September 30, 2011
Thursday, September 29, 2011
September 29
Social 30-1
We listened to the NPR article on the application of Keynesian economics by the Obama administration. If you missed today's class you can listen to the NPR story and read the article under Social 30-1 Links (it's the third link). We then looked at monetary and fiscal policy in detail. Again, if you missed class today, check your e-mail, I sent out the article last night. Be on time tomorrow, you will be writing an political cartoon analysis.Social 20-1
You watched a couple of videos today, one called "Doomed Dynasties" and the other "Clash of Generals". I gave you a handout on the Causes of World War I that I want you to read for Monday's class. I went quickly through how to write a WRA I three source analysis assignment as well. You will be writing a Unit 1 WRA I tomorrow in class. Your Chapter 3-4 Test is on Tuesday (please see the study guide here) and the Unit 1 Final Exam is on Wednesday (please see the study guide here).Wednesday, September 28, 2011
September 28
Social 20-1
I went through a PowerPoint presentation today on "The Causes of World War I". I have already sent this presentation to your e-mail accounts. Your French Revolution DBA is due tomorrow. You will be doing your Unit 1 WRA I on Friday, so I will re-teach you how to write them tomorrow. Your Chapter 3-4 Test is on Tuesday of next week, please see the study guide here. Your Unit 1 Final Exam is the next day, please see the study guide below.Social 20-1 Unit 1 Final Exam Study Guide:
One week from today, you will be writing your Unit 1 Final Exam. It is 75 multiple choice questions. Make sure that you have read Chapters 1-4 in Exploring Nationalism. Please make sure that you know the key concepts from Unit 1 (see below). Also review the PowerPoint presentations that you should have in your notes. They are also on the wiki under Unit 1 Presentations. These are the presentations that you should review:
1. Nation and Identity
2. The French Revolution
3. The Napoleonic Era
4. Contending Loyalties
Know the key concepts from the Unit 1 Worksheet (a lot of them have been defined on the wiki by your classmates, check under Unit 1 Key Terms). If you know the key concepts you'll be able apply them to test.
- nation
- nation-state
- nationalism
- patriotism
- self-determination
- sovereignty
- sovereign
- civic nation
- civic nationalism
- ethnic nationalism
- collective consciousness
- French Revolution
- Estates-General
- Louis XVI
- First Estate
- Second Estate
- Third Estate
- cahiers de doléances
- Ancien Régime
- bourgeoisie
- feudal system
- philosophes
- Declaration of the Rights of Man
- National Assembly
- Tennis Court Oath
- constitutional monarchy
- Jacobins
- Girondins
- National Convention
- levée en masse
- Robespierre
- Danton
- Marat
- Reign of Terror
- Napoleon
- Napoleonic Code
- Continental System
- contending loyalties
- cultural pluralism
- reasonable accommodation
- sovereignists
- federalists
- royal commission
- expressions of nationalism
- non-nationalist loyalty
- alienation
- segregation
Social 30-1
We covered a lot of territory today in class. We reviewed monetary and fiscal policy and what a government's response would be to various stages on the business cycle if they were applying Keynesian economic theory. We watched a couple of videos from the BBC 20th Century History series today, and you took notes on them. We watched "Boom and Bust" and "FDR and the New Deal". I also quickly went through how to analyze political cartoons. You will be doing an in-class assignment on this on Friday 9don't be late for class, because if you are, your choices will be limited).Tuesday, September 27, 2011
September 27
Social 30-1
I went through a lot of key concepts today. We looked at the emergence of welfare capitalism (and how it means one thing in the United States, and something else everywhere else in the world) and how modern liberalism came into existence as a result of the Great Depression. We looked at Keynesian economics (demand-side economics), and specifically monetary and fiscal policy, and how application of Keynesian economic theory to various stages of boom and bust cycle works. I did a homework check on "Philosophies of Industrialism" today. Please make sure that you read Chapter 4 tonight, if you haven't already done so. Your Chapter 4 Key Terms and Questions are due on Friday.Social 20-1
I finished off the "Contending Loyalties" PowerPoint presentation and I have already sent it to you, so please print it off (4-6 slides per page) and add it your notes. We will be doing a WRA I on Friday, so on Thursday, I will review with you how to write these in-class assignments.Your Chapter 3-4 Test is next Tuesday, please see the study guide below. Your French Revolution DBA is due on Thursday.Chapters 3-4 Quiz Study Guide:
This quiz will be on Thursday, October 2nd. It will consist of a matching section (10 key concepts) and a short answer section.- make sure that you study the PowerPoint presentation "Contending Loyalties"
- make sure that you have read Chapters 3 and 4 (it is all testable material)
- know the key concepts from Chapters 3 and 4 (please see the Unit 1 Worksheet for these)
- study your answers to the Chapter 3 and 4 questions from the Unit 1 Worksheet (all could potentially be on the quiz)
Friday, September 23, 2011
September 22
Social 30-1
I went through a PowerPoint lecture today called "Responding to Classical Liberalism". I will be sending this presentation out to you later this afternoon. Your Chapter 3 Questions are due on Monday. We'll be diving into Chapter 4 material next week, so if you get ahead this weekend, it wouldn't hurt to read Chapter 4 in advance of next week's lectures. Please remember that tomorrow is a PD Day, and you don't have school.Social 20-1
You wrote your Chapter 1-2 Test today in class. Hopefully, you'll get the resutls back next week. Your French Revolution DBA Assignment is due on Thursday, this weekend would be a great time to start it.Tuesday, September 20, 2011
September 20
Social 30-1
I went through a PowerPoint lecture today called "The Development of Classical Liberalism". I have sent this presentation to you already, so check your e-mail. Your homework tonight is the Chapter 3 Key Terms (due tomorrow), please make sure that you actually read the chapter! Your Chapter 3 Questions are due on Monday.Social 20-1
We finished off the lecture of the Napoleonic Age today. I will be sending this PowerPoint off to you today. Tomorrow we will be finishing off Napoleon by looking at his failed attempt to conquer Russia. Please remember that you have your Chapter 1-2 Test on Thursday, please see the study guide here.Monday, September 19, 2011
September 19
Social 20-1
We continued watching the A & E Biography called "Napoleon: The Glory of France" today, and as you watched the video you were to take notes on the timeline of Napoleon Bonaparte's life. I also started a PowerPoint lecture on the Napoleonic Age today. We'll finish this off tomorrow.Chapter 1-2 Test Study Guide:
This test will be on Thursday, September 22nd. The test has a matching section and a short answer section.
- Make sure that you have read both Chapters 1 and 2 in your textbook Exploring Nationalism
- Study the Chapter 1 and 2 Key Terms from the Unit 1 Worksheet
- Study your answers to the questions from the Unit 1 Worksheet for Chapters 1-2
- "Nation and Identity" (Chapter 1 material + supplementary material)
- "Shaping Nationalism: The French Revolution" (Chapter 2 material + supplementary material)
- "The Napoleonic Age" (Chapter 2 material + supplementary material)
Social 30-1
You wrote your Unit 1 WRA I today in the Blenheim Room, which took the entire period. We will be starting Unit 2 material tomorrow, so it's probably a good idea to read ahead into Chapter 3.Thursday, September 15, 2011
September 15
Social 30-1
You wrote your Unit 1 Final Exam today. You should get the results for this test back tomorrow, as well as the results for your Chapter 1-2 Test. Read Chapter 3 tonight, we're starting Unit 2 material tomorrow.Social 20-1
We finished watching the French Revolution video that we started yesterday. Please make sure that you study for your World Geography Test (it's tomorrow). Here's the study guide:World Geography Test Study Guide:
This test will take place on Friday, September 16th. It is simply a country identification test. You will be given a world map with certain countries identified and you need to be able to write out what country it is. Here are the countries that may appear on the test:- any of the EU countries (there are 27 countries in the EU, a map of the EU is in your textbook on page 265)
- any of the NATO countries (there's some overlap here with the EU, but not all EU countries are members of NATO)
- any of the G8 countries: Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Russia, the United States, and the United Kingdom
- full members of MERCOSUR: Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay and other associate members or countries that are achieving membership in MERCOSUR, such as: Venezuela, Bolivia, Peru, Colombia, Ecuador
- to ask you to know ALL of the countries in the African Union would be cruel, so we'll focus on countries that came up last year or will likely be in the news this year: Chad, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Egypt, Ethiopia, Kenya, Libya, Nigeria, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Somalia, South Africa, Sudan, Zimbabwe
- other very important countries that will be in the news this year, or that we'll be talking about, or get mentioned in your textbook: Cuba, Mexico, Jamaica, Serbia, Georgia, China, India, Myanmar, Australia, New Zealand, Indonesia, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Israel
- **BIG HINT: if a country is a member of a few of these international organizations then there's a STRONG possibility that they will be on the test!!**
Geography Games
- World Geography Games
- Test Your Geography Knowledge
- Maps.com Online Games (the "Find It" games are excellent!)
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
September 13
Social 30-1
We finished watching "Sicko" today in class. I also collected your Chapter 2 Key Terms and Questions. Your Chapter 1-2 Test is tomorrow, make sure that you use the study guide. Your Unit 1 Final Exam is on Thursday, please see the study guide here (scroll down to find it). Your Unit 1 WRA II Essay is on Monday.Social 20-1
I continued lecturing from "The French Revolution" PowerPoint presentation today, and I will finish it tomorrow. I gave you some more time to finish your Chapter 2 Key Terms and Questions (due Thursday). I have sent you the "Nation and Identity" PowerPoint today, so check your e-mail. I apologize for forgetting to send this to you earlier. You have your World Geography Test on Friday, please see the study guide here.Monday, September 12, 2011
September 12
Social 20-1
We started looking at the French Revolution today, and we will continue to do so for most of the week. I will continue "The French Revolution" PowerPoint presentation tomorrow in class. I gave you some class time to read Chapter 2 and work on your Chapter 2 Key Terms and Questions (which are due on Thursday). Please remember that you have your World Geography Test on Friday, please see the study guide here.Social 30-1
I went through an example essay outline to help prepare you for the Unit 1 WRA II Essay which is on Monday, September 19th. I will be sending this to you by e-mail. We then started a film study on "Sicko", which we will finish tomorrow. Your Chapter 1-2 Test is on Wednesday, so please see the study guide here. Your Unit 1 Final Exam is on Thursday, September 15th, please see the study guide here.Friday, September 09, 2011
September 9
Social 20-1
You wrote your Enlightenment Thinkers Quiz today, and you got the results back today as well. Some of you need to prepare for your tests better! STUDY! Make sure that you prepare for next Friday's World Geography Test (please see the study guide below). Your Chapter 2 Key Terms and Questions are due on Thursday, September 15th, so it's probably a good idea to start working on them in advance. Next week we'll start talking about the French Revolution, so it's advised that you at least read that section of your textbook prior to Monday's class.Social 20-1 World Geography Test Study Guide
This test will take place on Friday, September 16th. It is simply a country identification test. You will be given a world map with certain countries identified and you need to be able to write out what country it is. Here are the countries that may appear on the test:- any of the EU countries (there are 27 countries in the EU, a map of the EU is in your textbook on page 265)
- any of the NATO countries (there's some overlap here with the EU, but not all EU countries are members of NATO)
- any of the G8 countries: Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Russia, the United States, and the United Kingdom
- full members of MERCOSUR: Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay and other associate members or countries that are achieving membership in MERCOSUR, such as: Venezuela, Bolivia, Peru, Colombia, Ecuador
- to ask you to know ALL of the countries in the African Union would be cruel, so we'll focus on countries that came up last year or will likely be in the news this year: Chad, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Egypt, Ethiopia, Kenya, Libya, Nigeria, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Somalia, South Africa, Sudan, Zimbabwe
- other very important countries that will be in the news this year, or that we'll be talking about, or get mentioned in your textbook: Cuba, Mexico, Jamaica, Serbia, Georgia, China,
India, Myanmar, Australia, New Zealand, Indonesia, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq,
Israel - **BIG HINT: if a country is a member of a few of these international organizations then there's a STRONG possibility that they will be on the test!!**
Geography Games
- World Geography Games
- Test Your Geography Knowledge
- Maps.com Online Games (the "Find It" games are excellent!)
Social 30-1
We spent the entire day on re-learning how to write a Written Response Assignment II Essay. I gave you a couple of handouts on this topic, one of which was called "the Recipe for Success" and the other a handout on "Analyzing Quotes". For your Unit 1 WRA II Essay, I really recommend that you work through and answer the questions on the "Analyzing Quotes" handout when you get your source. We'll continue looking at essay writing in Monday's class. Please check the important dates below.Upcoming Important Dates for Social 30-1:
- Individualism and Collectivism Booklet is due on Monday, September 12th
- Chapter 2 Key Terms and Questions are due on Tuesday, September 13th (don't forget the supplementary key terms go with your key terms!)
- Chapter 1-2 Test is on Wednesday, September 14th (please see the study guide here)
- Unit 1 Final Exam is on Thursday, September 15th (please see the study guide below)
- Unit 1 WRA II is on Monday, September 19th (you will get the essay question sheet on Friday)
Unit 1 Final Exam Study Guide:
The Unit 1 Final is a 55 question multiple choice test. It will be written on Thursday, September 15th. Make sure that you study the following:- Chapter 1 and 2 Key Terms from the Unit 1 Worksheet
- Study the Ideology Notes (Black Gold School District PDF file)
- Study the 19th Century Political Spectrum
- Study the 20th Century Political spectrum
- Study the political-economic grid
- Know the values and ideas associated with the various ideologies (on the 19th century and 20th century spectrums)
- Study the Individualism and Collectivism booklet
Thursday, September 08, 2011
September 8
Social 30-1
I talked a little bit today about the e-mail distribution list. Please check your e-mail because I have sent out the first two PowerPoint presentations and the Ideology Notes from the Black Gold School District. We did a review of the 19th century political spectrum and the 20th century political spectrum as well as the political-economic grid. I gave you a booklet on individualism and collectivism that is due on Monday, September 12th. I also advised you to work on the Chapter 2 Key Terms and Questions which are due on Tuesday. Please make sure that you add the supplementary material to your Chapter 2 Key Terms. Make sure that you actually read Chapter 2 as well. Keep doing a little bit of review each night on the material introduced so far in the course, and TEST yourself! Practice drawing out the spectrums and the political-economic grid, test yourself on the principles of collectivism and individualism.Chapter 1-2 Test Study Guide:
The Chapter 1-2 Test is on Wednesday, September 14th. It is a mixed format test, it will have a matching section and a short answer section. Here is what you should review/study for this test:
- Chapter 1 and 2 Key Terms/Concepts and the Supplementary Key Terms from the Unit 1 Worksheet
- be able to answer any of the questions from the Unit 1 Worksheet (hopefully you have quality answers to study from!)
- you must know the 19th century political spectrum and the 20th century political spectrum
- know similarities and differences between communism and fascism
- be able to label political and economic spectrums and the values associated with these ideologies
- be able to label the political-economic grid and know examples of the ideologies in the quadrants (study the Ideology Notes and the notes I gave you in class)
- know the differences between individualism and collectivism, be able to apply your understanding of these concepts
- know the key ideas associated with Hobbes, Locke and Rousseau (for example, view of the nature of human beings, etc.)
Social 20-1
I went through a PowerPoint presentation today called "The Enlightenment". I will be sending this to you this afternoon so please let me know if you don't get it. As I was lecturing, you were to fill out a chart on these key Enlightenment thinkers. You will have a quiz on this material tomorrow. STUDY! Also, please remember that you have a World Geography Test next Friday, please see the study guide here. Please try the geography games below to study.Geography Games
- World Geography Games
- Test Your Geography Knowledge
- Maps.com Online Games (the "Find It" games are excellent!)
Wednesday, September 07, 2011
September 7
Social 20-1
I finished off the "Nation and Identity" PowerPoint presentation today, and I'd like to send it off to you by e-mail, but first I'd like a response to the test message that I sent out today. Once I know the e-mail distribution list is working, I can start sending out these PowerPoint presentations. I gave you class time to work on your Chapter 1 Key Terms and Questions, which are due on Friday. Also on Friday you will have an Enlightenment Thinkers Quiz. Tomorrow, I will lecture on this very topic. You also have a World Geography Test on Friday, September 16th, please see the study guide below.Social 20-1 World Geography Test Study Guide
This test will take place on Friday, September 16th. It is simply a country identification test. You will be given a world map with certain countries identified and you need to be able to write out what country it is. Here are the countries that may appear on the test:
- any of the EU countries (there are 27 countries in the EU, a map of the EU is in your textbook on page 265)
- any of the NATO countries (there's some overlap here with the EU, but not all EU countries are members of NATO)
- any of the G8 countries: Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Russia, the United States, and the United Kingdom
- full members of MERCOSUR: Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay and other associate members or countries that are achieving membership in MERCOSUR, such as: Venezuela, Bolivia, Peru, Colombia, Ecuador
- to ask you to know ALL of the countries in the African Union would be cruel, so we'll focus on countries that came up last year or will likely be in the news this year: Chad, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Egypt, Ethiopia, Kenya, Libya, Nigeria, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Somalia, South Africa, Sudan, Zimbabwe
- other very important countries that will be in the news this year, or that we'll be talking about, or get mentioned in your textbook: Cuba, Mexico, Jamaica, Serbia, Georgia, China,
India, Myanmar, Australia, New Zealand, Indonesia, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq,
Israel - **BIG HINT: if a country is a member of a few of these international organizations then there's a STRONG possibility that they will be on the test!!**
Social 30-1
I went through another PowerPoint presentation lecture today called "Identity and Ideology" which introduced the 19th and 20th century political spectrums to you, as well as the economic-political grid. You must memorize all of these spectrum diagrams for your upcoming Chapter 1-2 Test. Your Chapter 1 Key Terms and Questions are due tomorrow, so I gave you the remaining 15 minutes of class to work on them. I also gave you a booklet with the various spectrums on it, so make sure that you study it. As well, I will be sending you the PDF copy of the Ideology Notes as soon as I have the e-mail distribution list up and operational.Upcoming Important Dates for Social 30-1:
- Chapter 1-2 Test is on Wednesday, September 14th (please see study guide below)
- Unit 1 Final Exam is on Thursday, September 15th
- Unit 1 WRA II Essay is on Monday, September 19th
Chapter 1-2 Test Study Guide:
The Chapter 1-2 Test is on Wednesday, September 14th. It is a mixed format test, it will have a matching section and a short answer section. Here is what you should review/study for this test:
- Chapter 1 and 2 Key Terms/Concepts and the Supplementary Key Terms from the Unit 1 Worksheet
- be able to answer any of the questions from the Unit 1 Worksheet (hopefully you have quality answers to study from!)
- you must know the 19th century political spectrum and the 20th century political spectrum
- know similarities and differences between communism and fascism
- be able to label political and economic spectrums and the values associated with these ideologies
- be able to label the political-economic grid and know examples of the ideologies in the quadrants (study the Ideology Notes and the notes I gave you in class)
- know the differences between individualism and collectivism, be able to apply your understanding of these concepts
- know the key ideas associated with Hobbes, Locke and Rousseau (for example, view of the nature of human beings, etc.)
Printing PowerPoint Presentations
When I send you presentations, here is what I recommend that you do: keep an electronic copy of the presentation, preferably in an appropriately named folder. Next you'll need to print it off. I recommend that you print off 4 slides per page. Here's how you do it. Open the presentation up in PowerPoint, then go under File and select Print. Then set things up like the picture below:

Friday, September 02, 2011
September 2
I thought that I would post some of my classroom rules and expectations of behavior on the blog this year. Also, I will also write down some ground rules for using the blog this semester.
Classroom Rules/Expectations of Behavior:
I think that I have very simple, straight-forward classroom rules and expectations. I will be discussing these in class tomorrow, but here's a quick recap:- Please be on-task during classroom time (visit later)
- You must wear your visual ID around your neck during class time, no exceptions!
- No cell phones; if your parents really need to get in touch with you, they should call the office. Please don't bring cell phones to class, or if you do, please remember to turn them off! Yes, you have some new freedom this year with regard to electronic devices, but not in the classroom!!
- Please don't listen to music on MP3 players or iPods during class time, UNLESS I have given you permission to do so.
- Be polite. You should be listening during class lectures or when your classmates have questions to ask (you might have some of the same questions).
- Be on time. If you are late, please enter the classroom quietly and apologize for being late. If the door is locked, I have started the lecture or there is a class presentation in progress; I will open the door and let you in as soon as possible.
- Clean up after yourselves. Please don't leave garbage on the floor. I like my classroom fairly neat and tidy.
- Don't bring junk food to class. Healthy snacks only. Or you could always wait until lunchtime.
- You may chew gum in class on the following conditions: don't chew like a cow, I don't want to see the gum or hear you chewing it, that's just gross.
- Late assignments: 10% is deducted for every day an assignment is late. If you have an excused absence, then there is some flexibility with this rule.
- Please make sure that a parent or guardian calls the school to have absences excused. If you miss a test due to an unexcused absence you will be assigned a mark of "zero".
- I will be contacting parent/guardians if you have unexcused absences.
- Please adhere to the school's academic honesty policy which is on the back of your course outlines.
- If you are going away on holidays (please do not schedule holidays during examination periods in June), please let me know in advance. I can prepare materials for you, let you know what you'll be missing, and even give you handouts in advance. This way you won't feel "lost" when you come back from holidays.
Posting on the Blog:
Here are some simple rules that I have established for using the blog, and some other informational items:- Please post on the blog anonymously.
- If you feel the need to identify yourself, or clarify which grade you're in, please use your initials and your class and section (for example, K.G. in Social 30-1 Period 3).
- Some of you may have your own Blogger accounts. Please don't post on this blog using your Blogger ID, otherwise you may have people visiting your blog that you may not want to see what you're posting.
- Please be courteous, polite and respectful when posting comments on the blog. Don't be rude to your classmates on the blog.
- Please be patient with my response time.
- Please post comments and questions on the blog prior to 10 p.m.
- Between 6-8 p.m. I am usually not online.
- Monday nights are particularly busy for me, this is the night that I have a Masters class at the University.
- Please do not post links to questionable materials.
- Inappropriate comments will be deleted. Please don't do this, it's a waste of my time, I could be doing more productive things, like answering questions that you may have.
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