Tuesday, March 13, 2012

March 13

We watched a video today from the CNN Cold War series on Vietnam. This video provided you with a lot of details on increasing American involvement in Southeast Asia, starting in the 1950s and into the late 1960s. Make sure that you have read the Vietnam War notes that are posted on the wiki in the Cold War section. I am assigning a Vietnam War Assignment for Thursday. You are responsible for the researching the following: (please see below)
Identify and explain the role each played in the Vietnam War
1. Ho Chi Minh
2. Ngo Dinh Diem
3. Lyndon B. Johnson
4. Richard M. Nixon
5. Viet Minh
6. Viet Cong
7. Le Duc Tho
8. Henry Kissinger
9. William Westmoreland
10. "Draft Dodger"

Explain the significance of the following with regards to the Vietnam War (identify participants or individuals if appropriate)
1. Ho Chi Minh Trail
2. defoliation
3. "search and destroy" mission
4. "Vietnamization of the war"
5. Gulf of Tonkin Incident
6. My Lai Massacre
7. domino theory
8. Kent State University protest (May 4, 1970)
9. Tet Offensive (January 1968)
10. Geneva Agreement (1954)

Provide the information requested
1. The predominant religion of Vietnam
2. The battle which marked the end of French colonial rule in Indo-China
3. The scandal which led to the only resignation of an American President
4. The Vice President who replaced the President after his resignation
5. Why was November 1963 a "bad month" for the governments of South Vietnam and the United States?

We started looking at the Articles of Confederation today. If you missed class today you missed guidance coming into the class to confirm your course selections for next year. You also missed some notes on the Articles of Confederation and the Second Continental Congress, so you should get these from a classmate. I have posted some notes on the wiki in Unit 4. I put up some Harvard style notes on the Articles of Confederation and summaries of the various articles that are in the Articles of Confederation. Please remember that the Articles of Confederation serve as the first constitution of the United States, and that they will be replaced rather quickly by the U.S. Constitution in 1789, and even the Constitution will be modified with the inclusion of ten amendments, which we refer to as the U.S. Bill of Rights today. Here is your homework assignment for tonight: create a four column chart similar to the one on page 70 of your History of the Americas textbook), with some modifications. The first column should be labelled as "Characteristics" (use the ones listed off in the first column from the chart on page 70), the next column should be labelled "Articles of Confederation" (include specifics from the articles themselves), the third column should be labelled "Problems that the Articles of Confederation Created" , and the fourth column should be labelled as "How the U.S. Constitution Addressed These Issues" (include specific details). I posted the full text of the Articles of Confederation on the wiki, but you can also find them here. You might want to check out the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation. You can also find the full U.S. Constitution here. I also gave you a copy of the U.S. Constitution graphic novel today as well for your reading pleasure and for reference. I think one of the strengths of the book is that it provides some historical context and background for why certain items are included or not included in the Constitution. You have these books until Thursday.

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