Wednesday, September 05, 2012

September 5

Our class period was cut a bit short due to the length of the homeroom period, so we didn't get to all that we needed to today. I provided you with an introduction to the course by looking at the course outline. I have also set up an e-mail distribution list, so you need to check your inboxes for a test message from me. If you got the message, please respond back. If you didn't get the message, let me know. We'll get into the course properly tomorrow. You do have a homework assignment tonight. You need to write me a friendly letter. Make sure that your friendly letter is in paragraph form too. The letter will probably be about 1 page in length (single-spaced). Please make sure that your letter demonstrates your writing ability and covers some of the following topics:
  • family
  • education plans (this year, and in the future; future career plans)
  • post-high school plans
  • favorite TV shows, movies, music
  • hobbies
  • extracurriculars sports
We had a general introduction to the course and topics that will be covered in IB 20 History by going through the course outline together. We looked at the IB Academic Integrity Policy as well. You should have received an invitation to the IB 20 wiki, and if you didn't please click on the link here on the blog, and identify yourself in your access request, and we'll get you on the course wiki. We'll really get going with the course tomorrow.
How many of you predicted a current events quiz on the first day? You'll have lots of opportunities to earn marks in IB 30/35 and keeping on top of global events is one way to do it. We went through the lengthy IB 30/35 Course Syllabus, and the differences between Paper 1, Paper 2 and Paper 3. I also gave you an idea of the flow of this year's course. We'll be reviewing the Mexican-American War tomorrow as it's necessary to understand the expansion of the United States that was a result of this conflict and how it contributed to the U.S. Civil War. Make sure that you understand how you will be evaluated in IB 30/35 and what topics will be covered in the course.

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