Monday, December 03, 2012

December 3

Today was a pretty busy day. I walked you through the monetary and fiscal policy notes today that I asked you to print off and bring to class. After I lectured you on these notes I asked you to hand them in for class check marks. You also had your Great Depression and New Deal Study Guide due today, so you should have handed this in during class time to receive full homework check credit for it. I showed you a video from the BBC 20th Century History series called "FDR and the New Deal". While you were watching this video you were to take notes on it. This video is on YouTube as well, and there is a link to it on the IB 30/35 wiki under the Great Depression and the Americas section. If you missed information from it, you could always watch it again. I also gave back your Prescribed Subject 1 Paper 1 essays today.
You wrote your Unit 3 WRA II Essay today in the Blenheim Room, which took the entire period.
We watched a video on the Russian Revolution at the beginning of class. We then continued with the Joseph Stalin and the USSR PowerPoint presentation that I started last week. I also did a homework check on the work sections that were assigned last week.

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