Monday, June 04, 2018

June 4

We continued with the concept of illiberalism today by looking at the FLQ Crisis of 1970. I gave you some background notes prior to showing you the video from the Turning Points of History series. We're not going to have the Unit 3 Final Exam tomorrow, and I'm moving the Social 30-1 Trial Final to this Thursday. The study guide for the Trial Final Exam is at the back of your coursebooks (pages 88-97). If you're curious about the textbook Perspectives on Ideologies, you can find the entire textbook on the IB 30/35 wiki.

We started a film study of "Contagion" today, which illustrated a fictional response to a global pandemic. We'll finish the movie off tomorrow. On Thursday, you will be writing Part A of the Final Exam, which counts for 10% of your final mark in Social Studies 10-1.

We were in a computer lab today, working in Google Doc groups. Each Google Doc group had a different essay source to analyze. I'll give each group some feedback on what they have written. Don't forget that you're writing the Unit 3 Final Exam tomorrow. You can find the study guide below. On Wednesday, you will write the Social Studies 20-1 Part A of the Final Exam in Room 104. This will count for 10% of your final mark in Social 20-1. Don't be late for class that day!

Please review all of the Unit 3 PowerPoint presentations (you can find them on the Social 20-1 wiki):
  • "Nations, Nation-States and Internationalism"
  • "Canada's Foreign Policy"
  • "Nationalism and Internationalism"
Please review all of the Unit 3 Key Terms from the Unit 3 Worksheet in addition to the key concepts that were introduced in the PowerPoint presentations. In addition to this, I would like to emphasize the following points with you:
  • know the difference between multilateralism, unilateralism and bilateralism and know examples of each
  • know the spectrum of foreign policy: internationalism, nationalism, ultranationalism, and supranationalism
  • know the different foreign policy options
  • know the 6 themes of Canadian foreign policy/Canada's foreign policy goals
  • what influences foreign policy decisions?
  • methods of foreign policy
  • motivations for nations involvement or non-involvement in international affairs
  • how can foreign policy promote internationalism?
  • tied aid, bilateral aid, multilateral aid
  • examples of INGOs and IGOs
  • the United Nations (organization/structure, bodies, etc.)
  • peacemaking vs. peacekeeping (and examples)
  • different understandings of internationalism (types of internationalism)
  • why do international organizations exist? purposes and examples

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