Social 20
We finished looking at questions from the Social 20 Practice Final today. You have an assignment for tonight: write 5 HIGH quality questions (questions that you DON'T know the answer to) and bring them to class tomorrow (they don't have to be typed up). Tomorrow is your last class period with me, so it's your last chance to clear up any issues that you don't understand about the course content. If you don't have 5 HIGH quality questions tomorrow 1% will be deducted from your course mark. It's an easy assignment, please get it done!
Social 10
We played a VERY short game of Jeopardy today, and then I gave you time to work on your homework assignment: you must write 5 HIGH quality questions for our Q & A session tomorrow. These are questions about the course content that you don't understand. It's our last class period together tomorrow, so this is your opportunity to clear up any problems about the course content that you DON'T understand. If you don't complete these 5 questions for the Q & A session, I will deduct 1% off your mark. It's an easy assignment, so please get it done! Additionally, if you haven't sent me your 5 multiple choice questions by e-mail, please do so.
What should I bring to class tommorrow?
What should I bring to class tommorrow?
All Social 10 and Social 20 students need to bring their "stuff". You need your binders, paper, pens, pencils, all that jazz. When we're doing the Q&A you might want to write things down, because I will be giving you some valuable information. Most importantly, bring your 5 questions!!!
Another quick, question -> Do we only have to come to school on the days of our tests? Do we have to come to school on Monday? Because some teachers say hand things in on monday, or do that "thing" on monday...
Another quick, question -> Do we only have to come to school on the days of our tests? Do we have to come to school on Monday? Because some teachers say hand things in on monday, or do that "thing" on monday...
You probably won't need your textbooks for my class. Please remember to return your textbooks ON the day of the Final Exam or BEFORE the Final Exam!
You only have to come to school on Monday if you have an exam or if you need to talk to me or one of your other teachers.
How good do these questions need to be?
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