Friday, December 05, 2008

December 5

We started a new activity today called World Without Oil. Over the next few class periods we'll be looking at the impact that oil has on our everyday lives, and contemporary economic globalization. We started off by brainstorming a list of everyday items that are derived from oil. I had you add to this list (I will be sending you a list of items for you to have a look at). We then talked about playing an alternate reality game (ARG) called World Without Oil. This ARG was originally played out in several countries in May 2007. I will be sending some hyperlinks to your e-mail accounts, so please check your e-mail tonight! Over the next few classes we'll be looking at the impact that an oil shock (when the global supply of oil no longer meets global demand) would have on our everyday lives. If it's a prolonged oil shock, what impact would that have on our everyday lives? I have sent you an invitation to your e-mail accounts, so please check your e-mail. After you accept the invitation, there will be further instructions as to what you are to do next.

You have your TNC Dossier Assignment due on Monday, December 8th. On Tuesday, December 9th, you will have your written response due. This written response is based on an article from National Geographic magazine, and it is about e-waste. Please see this original post when this assignment was originally assigned as homework.

I gave you back your three source analysis in-class writing assignments today. With both sections of Social 20-1 that I teach I saw an improvement in the quality of responses. There is still room for improvement for almost everyone. Please make sure that on future source analysis questions that you specifically analyze each of the sources! A few of you are doing poorly on these assignments because you are not referring to or analyzing the sources at all.
I gave you the remainder of class time to work on your Chapter 11 Key Terms and Questions, these will be due on Tuesday, December 9th.

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