Thursday, September 17, 2009

September 17

Your Illustrated Concept Map Assignment was due today, and it looks like most of you handed it in today. If you didn't hand the assignment in today, it is subject to a 10% off per day that it is late penalty. I gave you some class time to study for your Chapter 1-2 Quiz, which is tomorrow (please see the study guide here, scroll down to find it). Please remember that your Chapter 4 Key Terms and Questions are due on Monday, September 21st.

I covered a lot of material today in class. I did some review of the political spectrum, the economic spectrum, the political-economic grid, and then started to focus in on the connections between classical liberalism and its political basis (the Enlightenment, and in turn, the development of the principles of individualism) and its economic basis (the Industrial Revolution, the ideas of Adam Smith and laissez faire economics). We started to look at basic economics, economic systems in general, and then specifically capitalism. Please check your e-mail inbox today, I'm sending you a lot of notes that connect to ideas that I touched upon in today's class (these notes will be "gold"). Please remember that your Chapter 3 Questions are due tomorrow.

When I send you presentations, here is what I recommend that you do: keep an electronic copy of the presentation, preferably in an appropriately named folder. Next you'll need to print it off. I recommend that you print off 4 slides per page. Here's how you do it. Open the presentation up in PowerPoint, then go under File and select Print. Then set things up like the picture below:

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