Wednesday, September 09, 2009

September 9

I collected your Global Connections essays today at the beginning of class. I gave you the handout for the Illustrated Concept Map Assignment and we went over expectations for the assignment and did a short brainstorming session to determine connections between the key concepts that we've looked at or will look at during the course. Tomorrow I will have exemplars of Illustrated Concept Maps that have been made by previous students posted in the classroom. I have sent this assignment to you by e-mail, as well as the detailed rubric for the assignment. Please make sure that you print off a copy of the rubric and use it as a guide to meet or exceed the expectations of this assignment. After the brainstorming session, I gave you time to read Chapter 2 in Perspectives on Globalization and to work on the key terms for the chapter as well. Your Chapter 2 Key Terms and Questions won't be due until Monday, so lighten your own homework load by getting them completed earlier rather than later. If I were you, I would take some time tonight to do a "rough draft" of your concept map, plan out what it's going to look like, where are you going to put the definitions, what examples and visuals might you use, and things like that. Don't leave this assignment to the last minute. A skill that you need to develop in Grade 10 (if you haven't already) is time management. Please study for your World Geography Test, which is on Friday, September 11th (please see the study guide here).

Please use the following links for studying for this test:

I did a homework check on your Individualism and Collectivism booklets today. You have a homework assignment tonight: I would like you to watch Barack Obama's speech to Congress tonight, it really ties in nicely with some of the themes that we've been looking at in Unit 1. You should see the connections between health care and the values of individualism and collectivism. With good timing, we also started a film study today on the Michael Moore film "Sicko", which we will finish tomorrow. Please remember you have your Unit 1 Final Exam on Friday and the Unit 1 Position Paper on Monday.


Anonymous said...

Um... Denmark can we lable the name onto Greenland because it is Dannish terrotity?

Kevin Gilchrist said...

Um... Denmark can we lable the name onto Greenland because it is Dannish terrotity?

Why are you asking? The Global Connections Map were due yesterday! Just label Denmark proper, you don't need to color Greenland as well.

Anonymous said...

No I mean when do the world geography test Friday. Because Greenland is Dannish and its easyer to find than Dennmark.

Anonymous said...

Hi Mr. Gilchrist,
What do you mean by "major" countries? (As in, we have to know the capitals of the "major" countries)

Kevin Gilchrist said...

No I mean when do the world geography test Friday. Because Greenland is Dannish and its easyer to find than Dennmark.

Ha Ha Ha! Now I get it. Nice try. No, you'd have to be able to find Denmark, not Greenland.

Kevin Gilchrist said...

Hi Mr. Gilchrist,
What do you mean by "major" countries? (As in, we have to know the capitals of the "major" countries)

Think countries like the USA, Canada, France, Great Britain, Russia and China, and others. That's what I mean.

Anonymous said...

Hi Mr Gilchrist,
On the test do you give us a list of the countries?

Kevin Gilchrist said...

Hi Mr Gilchrist,
On the test do you give us a list of the countries?

If it were a 10-2 class, yes, I would, but since it's a 10-1 class, you won't get one.