Tuesday, May 11, 2010

May 11

We watched a couple of videos today on China from the BBc 20th Century History series. One of the videos was "One Man's Revolution" and the other "China Since Mao". As you watched the videos you were to take notes, so if you missed class today you need to get these notes from a classmate. I also gave you a package on China that I highly recommend that you take to the time to read. Please remember to check Friday's post and and answer one of the questions and respond to another person's posting. Your post is due by Thursday. Also due on Thursday is your USA and Canada Comparative Government Assignment. Your Civil Rights Movement Assignment is due on Monday (including the essay outline).

You had the class period to work on your Unit 2 Collaborative Inquiry Project (which is due on Thursday). Your Unit 2 Final Exam is tomorrow, please see the study guide here.

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