Thursday, October 04, 2012

October 4

We finished watching "The Patriot" today. We also talked a little bit about Thomas Paine's Common Sense and the Declaration of Independence. We watched part of a video on the Declaration of Independence. You have a homework assignment tonight. Go to the IB 20 wiki, under Unit 4 Independence Movements and download the Declaration of Independence Study Guide. Here's a link to the Declaration of Independence at the U.S. National Archives website. Using the text of the Declaration, answer the questions in the study guide. You'll also have a current events quiz tomorrow. We'll try to cover the Articles of Confederation tomorrow too. It's going to be busy!!
We started to look at how to write position papers today. We went through an exercise as a class on distinguishing between arguments and evidence. I had you brainstorm a list of arguments that you would use to convince a friend to attend Churchill. From there we categorized some of the ideas that were generated into groups. We also got to look at the "Recipe for Success" when writing WRA II essays. You'll get the essay question sheet tomorrow in class.
We finished watching Episode 8 "War is All Hell" of "The Civil War" and started the last episode "The Better Angels of our Nature". You'll have a current events quiz tomorrow, and then we'll try to finish off the documentary. You will have a two-part exam on the Civil War starting next week. On Friday, October 12th you'll write the first part of this exam, which includes 25-30 multiple choice questions and 20 matching terms. You'll the second part of the exam on Monday, October 15th. The second part will consist of a document analysis writing assignment. The full study guide has been posted on the IB 30/35 wiki in the United States Civil War section.

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