Monday, February 03, 2014

February 3

We picked up where we left off before the exam break, namely with WWII. We started a documentary film study called "White Light/Black Rain", which we should be able to finish tomorrow. The film study sheet will be due on Wednesday.

I started today's class by doing a short self-introduction, and going through some classroom rules and expectations of behavior. I also went through the course outline and told you how the course would be assessed. On the right-hand side of the blog you will find a link to the Social 10-1 wiki. Please click on the link, and request access to the wiki. Please make sure that you include your name and class to gain access.
You have a homework assignment which is due tomorrow: the friendly letter. Please make sure that you write your letter in paragraph form with each of the paragraphs having some overarching theme. Some topics that you might wish to address in your friendly letter are:
  • family
  • hobbies
  • extracurricular activities
  • sports
  • favorite TV shows
  • favorite movies
  • academic course load this semester
  • academic goals in Social Studies this semester

I did a brief self-introduction at the beginning of class, and we do some "housekeeping items" (completing the information sheet, academic integrity policy). We also looked at the course outline as well, and I talked a little bit about what your May 2015 IB exams would entail in Grade 12. If wish to see me in tutorial, please note that I have tutorial sessions on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday before the 8:50 am. You have a reflective essay assignment due on Friday, which requires you to describe how you have exhibited three attributes of the IB learner profile thus far in your academic life. I want you to reflect on yourself as a learner, and learn how you see yourself as a IB student.

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