Friday, February 07, 2014

February 7

You did the debate on the decision to drop the atomic bomb today. We'll be starting the Cold War on Monday.

I assigned your Global Connections Essay today. It is due on Wednesday. Your Global Connections Map is due on Monday. Your Chapter 1 Key Terms and Questions are due on Tuesday, February 11th. Please check out the instructions for your Global Connections Map below.

Here are the instructions for the map (which is due on Monday):
  • your map must have a title ("Global Connections Map")
  • you do not need compass directions on your map
  • you do not need a border for your map
  • you must have a simple key on the front of the map and a detailed key on the back on the map
  • your simple key will consist of the following: 5-6 colored boxes (depending on how many categories you had for your 25 item chart) which will be labeled- food, clothing, electronics, entertainment, household goods, miscellaneous AND you must also draw a colored dot and label it "people" (for the information from the Global Bingo game that we played)
  • you will only color countries and label ones that you have a connection to through the 25 item chart (for example, you own a sombrero that is from Mexico, you would color Mexico and label it "Mexico")
  • there will only be 5-6 colors on the map, you don't need to have 25 different colors for each of your 25 items
  • you also have to label the 16 people that you talked to during our Global Bingo game, they will be represented by colored circles (pick a common color for all people) and numbers (1-16, if you didn't talk to 16 people, you label as many as you talked to)--you do not color the countries that are represented on your Global Bingo card, you simply draw a circle on the country, color it, put a number beside it, and label the country (for example, if the only connection you have to Australia is that one of your classmates went on a vacation there, you draw the circle, write the number beside the circle, and label the country "Australia"-- you don't color the country)
  • on the detailed key on the back of your map, you will be recreating your 25 item chart (make sure that you have the categories clearly colored and matching the simple key on the front of the map) and the information from the Global Bingo card (clearly identify people by number) Your Global Connections Map is due on Monday, February 10th.
If you have any questions about it, post a comment below using the following format: K.G. in Social 10-1.

I went through an overview of the IA. I'll post the PowerPoint on the wiki under Internal Assessment as soon as we finalize the due date for the outline sheet. You also got your IA topic. Your rough draft of your IA will be due on September 30th and your good copy is due on October 31st. Please remember that your "Vantage Point" film study is due on Monday.

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