Tuesday, April 22, 2014

April 22

Sorry for the later post tonight...

We looked at America in the 1970s, specifically the presidencies of Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter. I also started a lecture on Ronald Reagan, which I'll finish off tomorrow. We'll start a documentary on the Reagan presidency tomorrow too.

I started a new lecture today called "Forging the New Republic", which I will split up over three days. This PowerPoint presentation is already on the IB 20 wiki under Unit 6: Nation-Building and Challenges. I also talked a little bit about the election of 1800, and I showed you a short YouTube video that used quotes that John Adams and Thomas Jefferson said about each other, and re-imagining the quotes as material for attack ads.

Tomorrow, I'll talk a little bit about the Jefferson presidency and the emergence of political parties.

You wrote your Unit 2 Final Exam today. You'll get the results back tomorrow (please remind me to share them with you). You have your debate tomorrow on the following topic: "BIRT the 21st century will belong to China."

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