Thursday, October 30, 2014

October 30

I finished off the PowerPoint lecture on "The Origins of the Cold War" today. Please remember that you don't have school tomorrow since it is a CBE system-wide PD Day. I'll see you on Monday of next week. Please also remember that your Chapter 7 Key Terms and Questions are due on Thursday, November 6th, so this long weekend might be a good time to complete that work and read Chapter 7.

We started our examination of the Haitian Revolution today. I went through the PowerPoint presentation on the Haitian Revolution that is up on the IB 20 wiki (it's under the Independence Movements section). If you want to watch a YouTube video from the Khan Academy on this topic, please see the video below. I also gave you booklets that cover the Haitian Revolution and will set up our four options debate that we will do Wednesday, November 12th. Please remember that you have your Unit 5 Test on Monday, November 3rd. The study guide is included below.

Haitian Revolution (Part 1): Slaves rebel in Saint-Domingue (Haiti). Rise of Toussaint L'Ouverture.

  • know the causes of the French Revolution (short term, long term, economic, political, social, intellectual)
  • know the structure of French society during the Old Regime
  • know Napoleon's domestic policy
  • know Napoleon's foreign policy (Continental System in particular)
  • know key battles in the Napoleonic Wars (results of the Battle of Trafalgar, Russian campaign, the Battle of Leipzig, and the Battle of Waterloo)
  • know chronology of key events in the French Revolution
  • know the chronology of key events in the Napoleonic Age
  • know the key players at the Congress of Vienna (country and representatives)
  • what were the major decisions of the Congress? what were the guiding principles at the Congress of Vienna
  • know the 19th century political spectrum (please see the graphic below; values and characteristics of the various positions on the spectrum; what groups are represented on the various positions on the spectrum?; what phases/accomplishments of the French Revolution are represented on the spectrum?)

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