Monday, January 11, 2016

January 11

You wrote your Trial Final Exam today. You'll get the results back tomorrow, and see what impact it had on your overall mark. By tomorrow, you should know what your mark is going into the Diploma Exam. Your school-awarded mark counts for 70% of your final grade in Social 30-1. You are writing Part A of your Diploma Exam on Thursday, January 14th. Please check outside the Business Office to see which computer lab you have been assigned to write in. We're going to play some Kahoot tomorrow.

I split the class into two large groups, with each group having a Google Doc to edit. Each group was assigned to deal with either the "Causes of WWII in the Pacific" or the "Causes of WWII in Europe". I posted two PDF documents on the IB 30/35 wiki on the Causes, Practices, Effects of War page that you were to use, and complete the questions in those PDF documents. I'll be posting the links to these Google Docs on the wiki this week, so please make sure that each Google Doc is completely finished.

We finished off the Unit 4 Global Issues Project presentations today. Please make sure that you send me your references for your project.

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