Tuesday, February 02, 2016

February 2

I split you into two Google Docs groups so we could get through the content/material on World War II as a case study for a total war quickly. I will put the links to the finished Google Docs on the IB 30/35 wiki under Causes, Practices, Effects of War so that you can see what the Total War: WWII in Europe group and the Total War: WWII in the Pacific groups came up with. Tomorrow we'll be looking at the construction of the atomic bomb and the decision to use the atomic bomb to end the war with Japan.

I gave you the course outline, and an introduction to what we'll be studying this semester. You wrote a vocabulary quiz today, and tomorrow you'll write a Social 30-1 diagnostic test. The diagnostic test is all multiple choice questions, some of which will be Social 20-1 material, and some 30-1 material. It is designed to give you an idea of the difficulty of the questions that you'll face on all of the tests that you'll write this semester in Social 30-1.

I did an introduction to the course, gave you the course outline, and signed most of you up for the Social 10-1 wiki. Please check your e-mail accounts, and sign in to the wiki as soon as you can. You have a homework assignment which is due on Thursday, February 4th, a friendly letter addressed to me. Topics that you should cover in the letter include:

  • hobbies
  • extracurricular activities
  • favorite TV shows, movies and music
  • family
  • academic goals this semester (in addition to Social 10-1, what other classes do you have?)

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