Thursday, April 28, 2005

April 28

Today's mini-lesson was on a "Main Character Questionnaire", which was a series of questions you could pose to a fictional character in order to develop more believable characters for your stories. This exercise would be helpful as a starting point for a character sketch or just for creating characters. I asked you try using the questions to start a character sketch in class. Then I gave you some time to work on whatever you needed to in Writer's Workshop.
I also did a brief introduction of the next unit of study: Economic Growth in Canada. I gave you a handout for this, it was the Topic 9C unit outline. If you missed class today you will have to get this handout from me.
I also talked briefly about the Grade 9 Social Studies Provincial Achievement Test. I pointed out to you that there is a "blueprint" for this final exam that is online at the Alberta Education website. This blueprint essentially tells you what topics will be tested in the provincial final. If you would like to have a look at the actual "blueprint", please click here. There's also a blueprint for LA Part "A" and LA Part "B" . In case you're wondering, yes there is a Math blueprint and a Science blueprint too.

A special message to students in 9A: You need to bring in your forms and $3 for the field trip to Mount Royal College for the "Economics of Staying in School" tomorrow. Please don't forget!!

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