Friday, April 29, 2005

April 29

In Writer's Workshop today we looked at writing good narrative leads. I gave you a handout with four examples of narrative leads: typical, dialogue, action, and reaction. I asked you to write an example of each on your own for the first part of our Writer's Workshop time. For the remainder of the time, I gave you class time to work on your own projects for Writer's Workshop.
Here's your homework assignment for the weekend: please write four more narrative leads (one of each style) for Monday. You should have in total 8 narrative leads for Monday.
Some of you still did not bring in your forms and money for the "Economics of Staying School" field trip, please make sure that you do this today after school, if you're one of the ones who forgot to bring it in today.

Homework assignment:

  • Write four more narrative leads (for a total of 8) for Monday, May 2nd

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