Tuesday, February 10, 2009

February 10

I finished off the presentation on "The French Revolution" today. I have sent this PowerPoint presentation to you already. I would like you to print it off, 4 slides per page and put it in your binders. I will be doing homework checks on this eventually. I also went through some origins of the political spectrum with you today as well, this will be very useful for you next year in either Social 30-1 or 30-2. We'll continue looking at the French Revolution tomorrow. Here is a link to the World Geography Test Study Guide. This first graphic represents the seating order in the National Assembly in 1789. Later we will see the development of the political groupings that we discussed in class, in particular the Jacobins, the Girodins and the conservatives.

I did a homework check on the Chapter 3 Questions today (Q 2-7) at the beginning of class. I also delivered a PowerPoint presentation to you called "Introduction to Democracy", which I have sent to you, so please check your e-mail. Please print off this PowerPoint (4 slides per page) and add it to your notes. I gave you a diagram on democracy and a handout that covered parliamentary democracy and presidential democracy. You were to answer the following questions based on the reading. If you didn't finish this in class, you have homework tonight. Please answer the following questions:
1. What is the main difference between direct democracy and representative democracy?
2. What are the disadvantages of direct democracy?
3. What is responsible government?
4. What are 4 main features of a parliamentary democracy?
5. In a parliamentary democracy, who is typically the head of state?
6. What are some criticisms of a parliamentary democracy?
7. What are 4 main features of a presidential democracy?
8. What are some criticisms of a presidential democracy?

I gave you a reading and a note-taking chart on the Stoerpenberg Camp. You were to read this document and take notes on it in the chart provided. If you finished this in class, you were to work on your Case Study #1 Canada questions. Please remember that you have a short answer quiz tomorrow. Here is the link to the study guide for the Basic Political Ideology Quiz.

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