Wednesday, March 09, 2011

March 9

I finished off the PowerPoint presentation called "The Evolution of Modern Liberalism", and I will be e-mailing this one out this afternoon, so please check your e-mail. I also gave you a handout on supply-side economics, and another handout on how Keynesian economics deals with a recession and how supply-side economics deals with a recession. Please make sure that you read the article on crisis economics that I gave you today comparing how the United States and the United Kingdom are dealing with the economic crisis differently. We'll go over this article on Friday. Please remember that Parent-Teacher-Student Interviews are tomorrow from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. and from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m., so you don't have school tomorrow.

Please remember to study for your "Ideological Reaction to Industrialization Test" which is on Monday (your Chapter 6 Key Terms and Questions are due the same day), please see the study guide for this test here (scroll down to find it).

You wrote your Unit 1 Final Exam today, which took most of the period. You'll get the results of this test back on Friday. Please make sure that you read "Guns, Money and Cellphones". We'll continue looking at writing position papers on Friday.

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