Monday, April 16, 2018

April 16

WE watched the A & E Biography on Malcolm X today in class. As you watched this documentary, you should have been taking notes. I highly recommend you check out Spike Lee's "Malcolm X" film if today piqued your interest. One week from tomorrow you're writing a Paper 3 on the Civil Rights Movement, so you should have prepared your notes in your Google Docs for all of your assigned questions. Please remember that you're writing the U.S. Civil Rights Movement Test tomorrow, you can find the study guide below.

On April 17th you'll be writing Civil Rights Movement Test you can find the study guide below.

This test has multiple formats: there is a matching section, a short answer sectionand 25 multiple choice questions. You will have the entire class period to write the "Civil Rights Movement" PowerPoint (you can find an electronic copy on the IB 30/35 wiki  Civil Rights and Social Movements in the Americas).

  •  know key individuals in the U.S. Civil Rights Movement (Martin Luther King, James Farmer, John Lewis, Malcolm X, Stokely Carmichael, etc.) 
  • know key organizations in the movement (NAACP, SCLC, SNCC, CORE, Black Panthers, Nation of Islam, and key players) 
  • know key events of the civil rights movement (chronology/sequence of events)
  • know federal government responses to the civil rights movement from the Truman administration to the Johnson administration

I did a homework check on your Chapter 10 Questions today. Today was a work period for you to read Chapter 11, and work on the Chapter 11 Key Terms and Questions. If you're given class time tomorrow to work on key terms and questions from the Unit 3 Worksheet tomorrow, please work on your Chapter 11 and 12 key terms and questions.

We talked about the Nuremberg Trials today. I showed you a YouTube video from the American Experience series on the Nuremberg Trials.

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