Thursday, September 14, 2006

September 14

I sent you an assignment today via e-mail on the Declaration of the Rights of Man, so please check your accounts for this message. This assignment is due on Monday, it is very straightforward. Your DBA assignment is due tomorrow. I also assigned and gave you class time to work on the following questions from Chapter 3 Q 1-8. I also collected your Chapter 2 questions at the beginning of class.
  • DBA Assignment is due tomorrow (Friday, September 15th)
  • Declaration of the Rights of Man assignment is due Monday, September 18th
  • Enlightenment Thinkers Quiz is on Monday as well

I gave you class time today to work on the Regionalism booklet, specifically, finishing off the work on the impact of climate and physiography. You should have completed the two maps (one on climate, and the other on physiography), as well as the chart for this section in class today. A fair bit of this unit is self-directed, but you must keep up with the pace that I lay out for you, so please use class time effectively.

  • the Canadian Geography Quiz is tomorrow (Friday, September 15th)


Anonymous said...

what sorta things will be on the test tomorro?

Anonymous said...

what is the maximum sized quote we can oput on our DBA quotes?????


Anonymous said...

do we have a test tomorrow grade 11?????????????????????????????

Kevin Gilchrist said...

I'll try to answer your questions quickly.
You need to know the capital cities of the provinces and territories, where major cities are located, and be able to label lakes, rivers, and other bodies of water on a map. You be given blank maps that will have certain features labeled, and you need to be able to identify them. That's it. That's all I'm saying about tomorrow's Social 10 quiz.

The length of quote might vary a bit, but the maximum would be about 3-4 sentences in length.

Social 20 students do NOT have a test tomorrow. That is just a vicious rumor.

Anonymous said...

can you use the same quote twice?


Anonymous said...

yes can you use the same quote twice? also, for example if the title is "the purpose of government" is the quote in locks and jeans essays suppoesed to explain the purpose of the government but be the opposite of how the divine right of kings defined it?.

so confused !!!

(thank god theres no test tommorow)

Anonymous said...

My friend and I were having troubles with doing this DBA (we're in different classes though). So we worked on it together and I was wondering if this was allowed as we shared answers. We were suddenly struck with the thought that maybe this would be counted as plagarism or something...and now we want to know if we have to alter our answers.

Social 20-4

Anonymous said...

We're not copying though. We were working on it together. Okay, plagarism wasn't the best word, maybe cheating was a better choice.

Kevin Gilchrist said...

Don't worry about it.

Anonymous said...

what about the using a quote twice...or can you assure us that on your answers there are no doubles

Kevin Gilchrist said...

can you use the same quote twice?
I'm sorry but I don't have my answer key at home with me, and it's been about 8 months since I've marked this assignment. I can't remember if the same quote is used more than once. If it works, then it's probably okay. I'm sorry that I can't be more helpful. Does the quote REALLY work for more than one topic? If so, then use it.

Anonymous said...

okay thank you =)

Anonymous said...

ahhhh can someone please answer my question

Anonymous said...

Mr. G will you dock marks if the quote is only one sentence and we put down three...including that quote????

signed nervous nelly


Kevin Gilchrist said...

Mr. G will you dock marks if the quote is only one sentence and we put down three...including that quote????

Kevin Gilchrist said...

yes can you use the same quote twice? also, for example if the title is "the purpose of government" is the quote in locks and jeans essays suppoesed to explain the purpose of the government but be the opposite of how the divine right of kings defined it?
Focus on the headings. Your quotes will challenge the other quotes because Enlightenment writers like Locke and Rousseau were not supporters of the divine right of kings.