Friday, May 11, 2007

May 11

We finished watching some of the opening scenes from "Saving Private Ryan" and then we continued working on the "Events of World War II" booklet. Next week, we'll backtrack a bit and look at how the Americans became involved in the war by looking at the attack on Pearl Harbour and the end of WWII with Japan. We will also be looking at the Holocaust as well next week. Have a good weekend.

I gave you an assignment on the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms which is due on Monday. If you didn't complete it in class, you have access to the Charter through a hyperlink on the blog. Please look for it under "Social 10 Links". Please remember that your Government Poster Projects are due on Tuesday.


Anonymous said...

mr.gilchrist, what is a party platform?

Anonymous said...

What could we compare the Parliamentary pages to if the topic we are comparing them to is a sports team? Any ideas?

Kevin Gilchrist said...

mr.gilchrist, what is a party platform?

A party platform is a statement of the political party's ideas and positions on various issues.

Kevin Gilchrist said...

What could we compare the Parliamentary pages to if the topic we are comparing them to is a sports team? Any ideas?
Well, since part of what the pages do is help MPs communicate with one another they could be some sort of communication device or other coaches that are above the field of play watching the action. In football, they have coaches who sit in booths way above the action and send messages to the coaches. Or you can have the pages represented by an inanimate object that transmits messages. A lot of sports teams have their coaches wired with headsets, some of which are really obvious, such as in football, or more subtle such as hockey. If you're looking for an idea about the hansard reporters, I would use the TV cameras, and the on-air sports reporters for that (not that you asked me for an idea for that).

Anonymous said...

alrite thanks mr. g

Anonymous said...

Mr Gilchrist, the Canadian Charter if Rights and Freedoms link on the block, doesn't seem to be working!

Kevin Gilchrist said...

Yes, the link does appear to be down right now. Please try this hyperlink instead:

Anonymous said...

mr. gilchrist, what can i compare political parties to, if i am doing the public hospitals? and what about party platform? i have everything else, i just don't know what to say about those two.

Kevin Gilchrist said...

mr. gilchrist, what can i compare political parties to, if i am doing the public hospitals? and what about party platform? i have everything else, i just don't know what to say about those two.

Hmmm, I'm not sure. Maybe you could compare the political parties to the different departments in the hospital. Just an idea.

Anonymous said...

For the Charter homework, where do find the answer to enforcement: who can you turn to if these rights are denied to you?

Anonymous said...

Mr.G when is our final exam for the social studies 10 going to be held? can you also tell me where to find other final exams of this semester? thank you..

Anonymous said...

The Final exam dates are all posted on the school website and I believe our exam date is on June 14 from 1-3.