Monday, June 11, 2007

June 11

If you missed class today, you definitely need to get all of the handouts that you missed. I also expected that you have finished the question booklet for Stories of the Century (the Post-Cold War World). I also went through the Social Studies 33 Diploma Exam Part "A", and what to expect this Thursday. Tomorrow, I will be doing a major review of the entire course. I'll try to get through as much as possible, but I may not get through it all. It is a presentation/lecture that I will be sending to you at any rate. I have already finished sending you the presentation that I sent you today, please check your e-mail. Please open up the second version of the presentation! Keep studying!!

Today, I split you into groups of three or four, and I gave you parts of a practice final to discuss and answer the questions, and explain the rationale behind the answers. I will be sending to you the practice final that we did in class this afternoon. Keep studying!!


Anonymous said...

Mr. Gilchrist, can you send us the answer key for the second practice exam?

Anonymous said...

What are we doing in class tomorrow since it's the last day?

Kevin Gilchrist said...

What are we doing in class tomorrow since it's the last day?

If you're in Social 10, we're looking at your unit finals (small groups). If you're in Social 33, I'm doing a whirlwind review of the entire semester with the biggest presentation that I've ever put together (it's truly massive).

Kevin Gilchrist said...

Mr. Gilchrist, can you send us the answer key for the second practice exam?
I will post that later tonight or tomorrow.