Tuesday, September 29, 2015

September 29

Mr. Oakes from the guidance department came in to talk to you about applying for university. We got a start on Episode 5 of Ken Burns' "The Civil War" called 'The Universe of Battle' which covered the Battle of Gettysburg. We'll continue this episode tomorrow. Don't forget (how could you?) that your IA is due tomorrow.

I showed you a couple of videos from the BBC 20th Century History series, one called "Boom and Bust" and the other, "FDR and the New Deal". As you watched these videos, you were supposed to take notes. Please remember that your Chapter 4 Key Terms and Questions are due tomorrow.

You wrote your Chapter 3-4 Test today. You're writing your Unit 1 WRA I tomorrow. Please come to the classroom, and we'll go to the computer lab together. Please remember that your infographic assignment is due on Friday.

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