Thursday, October 09, 2008

October 9

Today was a very busy class! I collected your WWI Map Assignments at the beginning of class. I then gave you some time to work on the "Focus Task" at the back of the "Making Peace" booklet that I gave you yesterday. This task is very good practice for the "speaker questions" that you commonly encounter on multiple choice tests. It requires you to see issues from different perspectives and understand why people might have felt a certain way. After completing this exercise you should have a very clear understanding of the motivations and viewpoints of the "Big Three" at the Paris Peace Conference. Next, I gave you a booklet that covered key events in the Interwar Years. This booklet is EXTREMELY important! It provides you with an excellent summary of some of the attempts at maintaining world peace in the Interwar Years, the impact of the Great Depression, and the failure of the League of Nations to halt the actions of aggressive nation-states such Nazi Germany, fascist Italy, and Imperial Japan in the 1930s. Tomorrow, we'll look at Hitler's rise to power in Germany, this will provide us with a nice lead in to looking at the policy of appeasement next week, and ultimately the start of WWII. If you didn't finish reading the Interwar Years booklet in class please make sure that you read it at home!

I did some explanation of your Imperialism Research Project in class today, and then you were given some library research time. We then made our way back to the classroom so that I could give you back your Illustrated Concept Map Assignments.

Please check your e-mail inboxes, I have sent you the password to access the Nations and Countries of the World. This is an e-book, we have a physical copy of it in the library, but it's a reference book and you're not allowed to sign it out. By giving you access to our library's e-books there's a whole lot more of you that would be able to access the information. Please follow the following steps to getting into the e-book:

1. Go to the school's website

2. From the school website click on "Library" from the left hand navigational button.

3. Click on Online Resources

4. Click on the hyperlink that says "6 online e-books by Gale"

5. In the box where it asks for the password, enter the password that I am sending you in the e-mail message

6. Click on Gale Reference Virtual Library

7. Click on History View publications

8. Click on Countries of the World and Their Leaders Yearbook 2006 under "Nation and World"

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