Wednesday, March 18, 2009

March 18

I gave you some notes comparing fascism and communism at the beginning of the class. I gave you some background notes on the modernization of Russia, specifically the rise of the Bolshevik party in Russia, the Russian Civil War, War Communism, and the New Economic Policy. We watched a video called "Stalin and the Modernization of Russia" which covered the Five Year Plans and massive modernization and industrialization, and collectivization. I then gave you a handout called "Totalitarianism: A Few Control Everything", the questions that go along with this reading are due tomorrow.

We did a quick review of some basic economic concepts that we have studied so far in our economic systems unit. I then showed you a video called "Boom and Bust" and as you watched this video you were to take notes on this video. I then gave you a booklet on the USA in the 1920s and 1930s that you were to get started, you will get some time to work on this after tomorrow's test. You have your Political Systems Unit Final tomorrow, here is the study guide (scroll down to find it).

I went through the mnemonic device on the League of Nations called FAILURe:

French and British self-interest
Absent powers (USA is not a member)
Ineffective sanctions
Lack of armed forces
Unfair treaty (the League of Nations had to enforce unpopular post-WWI treaties)
Reaching decisions too slowly

I also delivered a presentation called "Ultranationalism in Italy, Japan, and Germany", which I finished today. I will be sending this presentation out so please check your e-mail.

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