Thursday, June 18, 2009

Social 30/33 Question Forum

At the bottom of every blog post you should see a hyperlink for comments. Click on that hyperlink to make a comment.
A pop-up window will appear. Type your comment in the box (no limit on the number of questions at one time, nor is there a limit on the number of characters). Make sure that you use the format that I requested. I will not be answering anonymous questions. However, when it comes to "choosing an identity", please choose anonymous.
Once you've finished typing in your question, just click on the "Publish Your Comment" button. If you want to preview what you've typed, and maybe catch some typos, click on "Preview". I'll try to answer your questions as soon as possible.


Anonymous said...

What is the difference between Hayek's view and Friedman’s view on the economic role of government?

I.K. in Social 30 Period 4

Kevin Gilchrist said...

What is the difference between Hayek's view and Friedman’s view on the economic role of government?

I.K. in Social 30 Period 4

These two agree on pretty much everything when it comes to economics. Hayek would the inspiration for Milton Friedman though.Initially, Friedman is a supporter of Keynesian economics, and then he becomes one of the biggest critics of John Maynard Keynes. Both Hayek and Friedman would be in favor of increased deregulation, increased privatization, increased liberalization of trade (removing barriers to trade), less government involvement in the economy (including areas like health care). Hayek was influential on Thatcher's Britain, and Friedman (and the Chicago School) sort of hit his peak influence during the Reagan years. Please review the PowerPoint presentation that I sent you called "Contemporary Economic Globalization" for more information.