Thursday, October 04, 2007

October 4

You wrote your Nationalism Test in class today. The results were quite good, but we will still be going over the tests in class tomorrow. I gave you a couple of worksheets to complete for homework tonight, one was a Chapter 9 key terms matching worksheet, and the other had a wordsearch and a crossword puzzle on the other side. These worksheets are all for homework tomorrow. I also have sent to you "The Age of Bismarck" presentation from yesterday. I will give you a little bit of help with some of the crossword puzzle clues because you are not required to know them for Social 20:

Across: #1 DUELS, #21 PRAGUE
Down: #1 DIET, #2 OLMUTZ, #6 NASSAU, #11 SADOWA, #23 HEGEL

  • Chapter 9 Key Terms Worksheet is due tomorrow
  • Bismarck Crossword Puzzle and Wordsearch are due tomorrow
  • In-Class Position Paper #1 is on Tuesday, October 9th in the Blenheim Room
  • Nationalism Unit Final is on Monday, October 15th (75 multiple choice questions), please see the study guide below

This unit final is on Monday, October 15th. It covers material from Chapters 1-5, Chapters 8-9.

  • Divine Right of Kings/Absolutism
  • Philosophers (Voltaire, Locke, Rousseau, Montesquieu)
  • The Old Regime
  • Ideologies: Liberalism, Conservatism, Nationalism
  • Causes of the French Revolution
  • Key Events of the French Revolution (Estates-General, Bastille, Tennis Court Oath, Reign of Terror, etc.)
  • Key People/Key Groups in the French Revolution
  • Napoleon's Rise to Power (how? when? why?)
  • Napoleon (goals, results, triumphs, contributions, events, overall influence on Europe and the World)
  • Congress of Vienna (what was it? goals? representatives? was it successful?)
  • Congress of Vienna: reactionary/conservative, legitimacy, balance of power
  • Age of Reaction/Metternich
  • Revolutions of 1830 and 1848 (where? why? what did they attempt to do?)
  • Unification of Italy (significant leaders)
  • Unification of Germany (how? leader?)
  • Know your European geography (make note of maps in the textbook, Napoleonic Europe, unification maps of Italy and Germany, etc.)

Here are some questions to help you review. You should try to answer these questions:

  • For each of the following philosophers, briefly explain their philosophy. (Voltaire, Locke, Rousseau, Montesquieu). Pay special attention to their works, their views on the role of government, equality vs. inequality, common good vs. individual need.
  • Quickly describe the ideologies of 19th century Europe: liberalism, socialism, nationalism, conservatism.
  • List three fundamental causes (long term causes) of the French Revolution. (think of intellectual, social, political, and economic causes as well)
  • Describe the political spectrum of the "new Republic" and list two major philosophies of each (radicals, moderates, conservatives, Girondins, Jacobins, etc.
  • Describe the following: Tennis Court Oath, Storming the Bastille, the Reign of Terror, the Declaration of the Rights of Man.
  • Describe the following governments in the French Revolution: National Assembly, Legislative Assembly, National Convention, the Directory.
  • Give three major examples of nationalism specific to the French Revolution.
  • How did Napoleon achieve power?
  • How did Napoleon maintain power? (three goals)
  • What were Napoleon's major contributions and triumphs?
  • What was the Continental System? Why did it fail?
  • Describe the goals of the Congress of Vienna.
  • Who were the representatives of each of the major powers at the Congress of Vienna?
  • What does the term "balance of power" mean? Describe how this can/could be achieved.
  • What did the Revolutions of 1830 and 1848 attempt to do? What caused these various revolutions to take place?
  • The unification of Italy and Germany are both similar yet different. List two for each.
  • After unification in 1870, Germany declared war on France (Franco-Prussian War). What was the result? What land did Germany take from France and add to their possession?
  • Describe Otto von Bismarck's domestic and foreign policy.

If you missed today's class, you should try to get the notes that you missed from a classmate. I distributed two articles, one entitled "Globalization Harms the World's Culture" and the other "Globalization Benefits the World's Cultures". Half the class got one of the articles, and the other half of the class got the other article. As you read the article you were to take notes by trying to identify arguments and supporting evidence within the essay. You were also required to write down any interesting facts, figures or quotations that appeared in the essay. Next, I had you work in groups to try and categorize the examples into arguments, and to formulate a statement of position. We had a brief class discussion/debate on the issues raised in the articles. These articles will be helpful in writing your essays next week, so I hope that you took good notes. I also recommend that you try to get the notes from the other side of the argument.

  • Chapter 5 Questions due tomorrow
  • In-Class Position Paper #1 is on Wednesday, October 10th in the Blenheim Room


Anonymous said...

hey mr. gilchrist i was just wondering if u are almost done marking the concept maps.

Kevin Gilchrist said...

hey mr. gilchrist i was just wondering if u are almost done marking the concept maps.

The concept maps themselves have been marked, but I have to mark the written descriptions now. I will give you the results after the long weekend for sure.